
i agree with rev, its still theft. i’ll admit, i downloaded some songs off of kazaa, and deleted most of them cause i never listened to them. i still have 5-10 on my computer, but i own the cds. and i really like how mlk described it as a piracy industry. good point.

*Originally posted by Manny Calavera *
**Honestly, he’s right. If they find you, think of the fine they’re gonna give you. That bill mentioned earlier this morning was said to give up to $250,000 (was it?) per song (that’s copyright violated). Don’t think you can hide forever. The RIAA is getting more and more desperate. **

I’m not worried since I don’t openly share my stuff to anybody and everybody. Since, my collection is soo large I only share with friends or peers or I’ll bring my FTP to a LAN. Personally, I rarely even download from P2P’s either so I’m not like stingy or anything…

Personaly, I hate the Record companies with a passion…
That is why the radio is plagued with overplayed, untalanted music…

And Tea Party, my favorite band… Wont play in the USA for that same reason… the record companies told them what to play… and they just wont have any of that… and that is one of many bands… They are real big in Canada…

So anything that pisses of the record companies, i love it…

Just look @ Christina Aguilera, thanks to the record companies she was a sweet wholesome little girl but once she broke away she became the proud slut of pop culture!!

Do you guys believe that the Officals will actually try to track down everyone who has songs from kazaa and sue them $750 a song.

I dont believe it do you.

I dont because I mean The Songs Software Documents everything is there just sitting there waiting to be downloaded so basically they cant exactly do anything.

I mean if you guys found like A c-D laying on the ground are you gonna keep it there try it look for Id no not likely.
Your probbaly going to keep it.

And the officals will have to track downn like Millions of People to do it.

I totally dont believe that, theres is almost no way they could do that, someone could just unplug their internet and they couldn’t track them, most people that use kazaa seem to have dial up so they couldn’t be tracked either.

if they ever came here asking me for money i think i’d hit them in the head with my montior

and no i dont think they will

Whole another thread about this:


not necessarily. they know what the IP was at that time, and who was accessing that IP at that time… it traces back to you just the same.

They can track your computer.


they already started buddy.


threads merged




*Originally posted by Maxtr0sity *
**Whole another thread about this:

http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26953 **

oh no, i have alot of songs on my computer. I really really hope they dont go ahead with this. i would be dead!

yeah but all you have to to is create a little batch file that erases completely *.mp3 - with the lack of evidence, they won’t be able to charge you with anything…

it won’t erase it from your ISP’s log files…


hmmm, i am screwed then. i hope to god that it doesnt come down to that.:frowning:

Alex, you could move to Canada or Mexico and change your identity.

Reland i was going to post htat artical, its old but good. but in relation to that, i just read in the new PC mag abou how that would only be a temp solution. go back just a few years when putting 6 megs onto a harddrive was unthinkable. but as technology grew so did the harddrives, and as those grew so did p2p. the same thing will happen, its the enevitable.

If Any Officals Come TO My door I will Say and name like just about all my friends my moms friend my dads friends my siss friedn and my other sises friend and my brother’s frinds you get the point to go sue them and see what you get.

For The officals and news gov whatever to say that could start a srike.

I want to take my mouse and chuck it at the people.

Also Another thing i am pissed at is I seen on the enws yesterday saying Canada Wants to Bann yO’ Yo’s That makes me mad man

this is a passing phase…you cannot stop file sharing at all periiod. That is why they were unsuccessful when they tried to shut down kazaa. I have a buddy who works at a recording studio and he says it is a crock. And really does not effect the artists that much. At least not as much as they say it does. Most artists are getting ripped by the record companies getting like .08 cents per album sold (and this is the high side) The actual record companies own the masters to the cds. And these are the greedy bastards. They are putting it on like it hurts the artists but it really does not. Like I said not like we think. The way they get paid is on a points system. And they are paid once the album ships to your local store. So if no-one buys it they still get paid. The re-ups is where it is at. And that is where the record company really cleans up. They speak of the lil independant guys who lose out. Well those are not the guys complaining, and not many people download underground music since you can usually get the cd for 5 bucks…Versus the new Chistina Aguilera cd for 20 bucks. The rappers singers and musicians are not really the ones pushing this it is the guys who have more money than they know what to do with.

All in all unless you have 20gb of music on your hd then you are safe. And believe somone will develop something to block their intrusion tactics