
exactly what i was trying to say, it will always be here.

*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
All in all unless you have 20gb of music on your hd then you are safe. And believe somone will develop something to block their intrusion tactics **

will zone alarm keep them out?:thumb:

alex, it might make it harder, but if a hacker (supposing thats what they want to do) were to want to get into your box, nothing will keep them out…

dont worry about it…just stay low…and btw if they suspect you of a power user, they will most likely seize your whole HD like they do for Child ****ography cases, they take the HD as is and look for evedence, that way you cant try to keep them out like you said…:-\

dont we have any privacy any more. they dont like it when people hack into their computers, so why does that give them the right.

turns on XP fire wall
Turns on Zone alarm
lights begin to dim

alex…you make me wonder…how much ‘evedence’ do you have on your system?

just a bunch of music. :slight_smile:

but how much? you seem scared to london…

ahahaha…he is the super user probably. Their is no way they can stop it. Cause Kazaa is not like napster. Long as you dont have just ridiculous amounts of files there you should be cool. They sent out 100 subpoena’s. Do ya’ll know how many folks are on the gnutella network? That is such a drop in the bucket. ALmost like winning the lottery. Jst dontbe outrageous and your cool. And your ISP has alot to do with it. My ISP sent a letter about this and they said they will fight this intrusion. Earthlink are a bunch of **** suckers so they gave in.


not as bad as i thought:)

i got like 375 or something. but its stuff that i listen to a lot. like i listen to it all. 3d i have cox and so far they have said nothing. i dont know if they will either. i am not a super user so i am not concerned, i also dont share. so i feel ok about it. but your right. and now Gnutella 2 is coming out. lol this is just to good. they are going in circles and will be for a bit. the vast majority of the artists support it. :stuck_out_tongue: its just funny imo

that is nothing and plus you are hopefully not connected 24 hours a day. They are looking at that also. The gnutella covers limewire, bearshare and a bunch of others. If they sen you a subpoena you are lucky…Go get a lottery ticket that day. As for me. I download away cause I think it is buull****…Except software I try to buy everything that I have. BUt I have been around the music industry enough to know that it is not the artists complaining it is greedy execs. You have not seen any popular artsts complain yet.

i dont have any of the P2P programs installed any more. i just dont want any fines.:stuck_out_tongue:

well madona…but you said popualar. lol. i have done a few apps, but i am currently saving to buy them.

dude she will say anything to be involved with anything that will make her money…her career is dwindling

i think it is stoopid…as a musician, i put my mp3s in my shared folder hopeing that someone will download it…i can understand that i am an average white male living on a small island in florida…but if it is illegal to “share” files across the internet, then why don’t musicians who sell their record find a way to block CD ripping…i will tell you why…it would only be a waste of time…some nerd in Utah will find a way to crack the code…make a website about it…and then cd ripping will be back…no matter what RIAA does…sharing music with complete strangers will never go away…the only way to truely stop it or limit it, would be to terminate the digital world…and that would create chaos seeing how there are a lot of people’s careers depending on the internet…the internet is just a few steps above the telephone…who knows whats next…but i know for sure (hopefully) that music data will always be transferred accross the country and be available for anyone to download to their mac or PC…my advice to the RIAA

“give up…you will not win…i have over 4,000 ‘pirated’ or as i like to say ‘shared’ files that i downloaded from kazaa…and the thing with kazza…it has spyware that is automatically installed on your computer…so i searched out and got kazaa light…no spyware…good luck in your journey…and send me a post card”

so for the RIAA…dont worry about it…what are they gonna do??? make me delete my mp3s???..why…i got em from mp3.com!!!

also…i will admit…i don’t listen to all the songs that are downloaded onto my computer…and that is because my sister, brother, and father all dowload music…and i don’t like some of the music they listen to…but i do know one thing…my family likes music…and why spen $20.00 on a CD when we can download freeware and share songs with people in kansas!!!..i said share…not steal…i am commiting no crime…

they way i see it…if you dont want someone to use your stuff…don’t make it available to them…:crazy:

wow…thats some of the best sense i have heard in a while. werd man werd.

just sayin it how it is

i know, but you have said it the best. never really seen it that up front. like you said, history will repeat itself. someone will always crack ti. no matter what. i mean we cracked the gnome right? what is there left, a simple CD? please. they cant stop us now that its unleashed.

seriously…its our human instinct to find better ways for everything…and finding a new way to share files will be easy…for example…bit torrent!!!


its obvious that people are all ready finding new ways!!!:beam:

:geek: easy as that