Losing its Flavor

Even though it sounds wierd, I actually kinda like the ads on the right side of the “nonforum” pages. They look nice and aren’t horribly designed animated nuisances. :thumb:

:smiley: yes- they blend in very well :slight_smile:

I don’t want this to be a bash on playboyadonis thread :slight_smile: He has a different opinion, and I can see areas where this site can clearly improve with regards to how the ads are presented on the content area of the site. The site does have a more cluttered feel compared to a year ago, and that is something I am aware of as I attempt to work on a redesign for it.

bigmtnskier - I’ll consider that!


I have a suggestion: to make this site more professional and serve the purpose of its existence, you can move the random sub-section to bottom in the talk section or move the talk section after test/suggestion section.

This guy is real nuts. I have never seen something clean , tidy and soothing as Kirupa. Unfortunately this guy must be new on the net or to the internet community. Its not his fault guys, he’s gonna take time.
The server, the database the bandwidth, all have a maintainence cost and they dont come free for sure.

THe left and the right hand side of the pages are empty.That can be used to display some ads. Kirupa can always take it as a feedback while redesigning it, so that the newbies coming here may find it easier to navigate.

Has this got anything to do with the new design?