I don’t mind noobs… I actually like noobs because they’re so unjaded, hopeful and enthusiastic.
It’s lazy people I don’t like… so I’m with your comments Jubs. I think it’s more lazy people. There are good noobs too, but the lazy noobs overshadow them.
FLash definitely takes time and patience and lots of practice.
It isn’t one of those programs you can take out of the box, install, and just know it right off the bat. It is complex and has areas that are deep to explore and even people who have used it for years are still learning.
I had never heard of 2advanced before i came to these forums. Well anyways… I think jubba is over reacting a bit because some people play a lot of video games and now have the word newbi stuck in their minds instead of “i am new to flash mx version 6.0”. So take it easy on them lol.
Xero: I think it is mainly the context and not the word in this case (or I could be wrong), but you can have those people that ask simple questions but feel that MUST state they are a n00b, even though the question sort of implies that.
But then you have to people that ask advanced questions that they can’t do, but state they are a n00b, like stating that will make the problem less advanced then it really is.
not that I want this to keep getting brought up, but this pissed me off at tutorialforums.com:
mak11: possible?
is it possible (many hard things are!) to make a flash site with the least knowledge, i mean a very single page, no fancy stuff (some nice links with change color when the mouse is over them and when clicked a small window comes up…lol you know very simple!!)
oh and if it is possible what is the minimum that i should know!?
me: What’s the point of using flash if this is all you want? It’s a waste of time and money.
mak11: time and money?? i don’t think so
i don’t understand? money? i have it already i didn’t pay for it either
and why don’t you help instead of just talking ****
Well Jubba, though I don’t have nearly the same reaction as you, I definitely know what you’re talking about. I agree with you, even if I wouldn’t be as harsh about it.
Or… if it’s so easy it’s easier to cough up a quick example for them… I usually do that…
it’s rude to expext us to actually make the code JUST for them… we’re helpers, not slaves…
Just to add my two pence worth on this one, I think Eilsoe has a good idea. If you can give a slightly more generic answer or piece of code, then the person asking has to do some work for themselves, although you’ve pointed them in the right direction.
There’s always going to be noobs, I still consider myself one to a large extent. The majority are polite and cool and just have hit a brick wall on something and need some guidance. Or those that post up their code to see what’s wrong. I have no qualms with any of that, that’s what the forums are for. I know my first post on here was something along the lines of “I’m doing this [example], what am I doing wrong?” and David very kindly pointed out my error.
A couple will want you to do all the donkey work for them.
(I admit it, it was your name, otherwise I would have ignored the post entirely. :P)
I think that there is also a lot of foundation to the idea that people have been burned by other forum in the past. Not only have I seen the direct result of this, but I’ve been there myself. In addition there’s also the fact that a lot of people, (probebly close to 80% of the world population though I’m just guessing) that have little or no clue how one communicates using a forum. I know when I signed on to a few forum in the beginning, I was sooooooooo lost. It was like the first day of highschool all over again. It is important to have really well displayed notes in simple english which explain how and where the search functions are utilized. Even with lots of helpful notes for the newbie, it is still difficult to expect most to know how to search for something.
Alas, there’s no easy answer except to exclude newbies, which would kind of defeat the purposes of the forum.
it was hard for me too, when i started to use forums, i went to flashkit and macromedia, but due to rudeness (fk) and lack of response (mm) i got here, it was almost at the same time, and i was not sure on how i should state my problems and etc.
it was hard in the begining… took me a while to find the search too.
And if you guys had given me the newbie treatment, i would probably give up being on forums.
Now i see a lot of ppl like that, and i try to help them out giving some forum basics. But it takes a lot of patience.