Basically, on the About page, Im not 100% sure about the layout. And if Im going to stick with the current one, Im not sure what to put in that open box with the logo in it.
Its hard to give you ideas on layout without knowing your content…
But your about page is okish…I’d question the relevance of the logo box being so big and empty…lots of the info there would almost be better suited in your resume. I’d turn it more into a welcome page “Hi this is Grant’s page, I’m a web designers, please look through my work.” Then have a nice image of your work perhaps or a slideshow or movie…save the boring stuff like programs for your resume. You gotta sell your talent first I think…and thats websites not a list of programs.
This is all part of your layout, what needs emphasising more?
transitions are nice. maybe place around with the b/g pattern in other sections. Speeds are fine to me, but a few FPS more wldn’t hurt.
None of the other sections load…I presume under construction.
Tiled gif B/G is quite nice. But maybe centralise the entire flash movie…
Web and email links shld be at least copy and pastable or clickable.
Not too keen on font for the numbers in the menu…but maybe give them a rollover effect. Maybe the number turns into the colour of the section? And stays in that colour whilst your on that section. As your site doesn’t have a section title which you might want to consider.
Overall it could be pretty good. But show us the content. Just whack something out before we can really comment on how its all laid out.