New site design

Here is my first HTML site. I decided that I can’t always build Flash sites. It’s pretty basic, what do you think?


Good stuff man. The only thing I would consider is removing that quite ugly border completely, I think the content does a good enough job of defining space itself.

looks great except for that bevel surrounding everything, its ugly.

ah yes, it’s not bevel but i agree. it is equally as ugly. i changed it up. thanks for the tips.


It seems like a lot of things are missing from the design. The crest draws a lot of attention to it, almost too much but I don’t see virtually anything in it. The text in the middle of it is hard to read and comes across like two very different styles. The ribbon going across the top should contain some type of text, right now it feels like it’s missing something there. The border could be dropped and the “random” color splatters could use some work too. Mostly by adding some different variety to them. Right now your site has too many different styles for it to work properly. I’d start with your center icon there and build a site around it that complements that design.

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