Hello community,
I just signed up, after 10 years of last checking this website !
kirupa, flashkit, and some others, were the first sites I checked constantly for flash stuffs and now, I go back to the roots.
Anyway, after 14 years on the Flash world, I feel the need to move forward, and what better place to ask experienced Flash / AS3 devs ( like @senocular, btw, I followed all ur tutorials several years ago ) how did you guys manage to transition between languages and technologies.
I feel pretty stuck now. I made websites since 2006 'til 2011 in flash, then some Facebook games, then exclusively AIR apps (mostly business apps) 'til now.
So, through the years, I crafted my workflow, my “toolbox” and my way of doing projects,
and, eventually, I realized that AS3 is becoming seriously deprecated for getting new projects, so, even if I definitely LOVE working with it (and I still believe is a rock solid solution for multiplatform development) , I feel forced to move on.
I feel in a crossroads now, professionally speaking, most of my creative work is old and not accessible anymore (flash websites) and the latest projects I did are boring, private and closed source for big companies… So it kinda sux to start from scratch after all these years.
Dunno why, but I always felt like going back to fullstack webdev was somehow, involutive and painful, but I definitely wanna dig into it seriously. But I feel kinda lost with ALL the available options.
Sorry about the long post , but I would like to know others people experiences… and maybe get some sort of feedback regarding how to start “re-wiring” myself onto new technologies.
Thanks beforehand for all the future help !