Nintendo-like games for Xbox

Whoops! :smiley:

Buy GCII anywaysā€¦ i NEED someone to play it with me

Well then, sorry to say hifi, but I donā€™t think xbox is meant for you. Xbox is more of that kind of console where online deathmatchs and amazing rpgā€™s are meant to be played.

Grinch, YOU! X-box-Slave! Buy GCII in order for playing!!!

Heh, I already know the Xbox is not meant for me. But that doesnā€™t change the fact that my brother got me one, and I canā€™t return it because he and my sister love it. So Iā€™m just looking to make the most of it. There must be at least a few games out there available, thatā€™s all Iā€™m looking for.

Well hifi,
a really good game for xbox, I mean really good for a family, is Fusion Frenzy. Itā€™s like a party game, just like Mario Party 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11ā€¦ or 68. Check it out, if you ever bought halo, go to game demos and click fusion frenzy.

Yup, done that, and it is my new Mario Party. :stuck_out_tongue: But itā€™s really only good as a party game. Itā€™s Mario Party with only Minigames as far as I can tell, and so itā€™s only good for multiplayer. But Iā€™m really looking for single player games

Oh then try doing Splitner Cell or Metal Gear Solid. You see I donā€™t know what kind of gamer you are, but Splinter Cell is extremely fun. You have to be very stealthy while taking out missions and whatnot. Only rated T so, itā€™s not too bad :wink:
Also you can try Rally Sport Challenge 2 or NFSU : Need for Speed Underground.
Hrmm, or you could try DDR! Iā€™m a heavy DDR player, and man that game is fun. But hey, if those donā€™t fit your needs, Iā€™ll give some more.

Sounds cool Grinch, thanks a lot. Iā€™ll be sure to check out some of those. I completely forgot about Splinter Cell. :stuck_out_tongue: Iā€™ve only heard good things about that game and have been meaning to check it out. Would you say it has a lot of replay value or is it something I should just rent for a week or so?

I thought my first post was a pretty good explanation of what kind of gamer I am, but then again, maybe notā€¦ I tend to prefer linear games, where you have a good idea of where you have to go next, and there are only a couple of ways to get there. Hmmā€¦ what else can I say? A list of all the games I can think of that Iā€™ve ever really really liked:

  • Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (The only other one Iā€™ve played is PoP2 and I only played one level, so I canā€™t say much)
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Metroid (I havenā€™t played Prime but I loved all the others)
  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Pokemon Red and Blue (as much as I hate to say it, they were fun)
  • Donkey Kong 64

ā€¦ and thatā€™s all I can think of at the moment. (There arenā€™t many, I guess Iā€™m picky. :P) Maybe thatā€™ll tell you something more about what kinds of games I like.

[size=1][EDIT] When I say PoP2, I mean what you can unlock from the Sands of Time. :P[/size]

Rally Sport Challange 2, Knights (KOTOR), and MechAssult got my vote. Or just save $100 and buy a GCā€¦

Hifi, Grinch is TOTALLY right with Splinter Cell, but if you get that, i suggest the PC version. That game roxxors.

And yes, it is linear.

You still need to buy ground control 2

Of course, of course. :stuck_out_tongue: I went to the website, it looks awesome, and Iā€™ll download the demo as soon as I get back home this weekend where I donā€™t have a download limit. mutters obsenities about the residence download limit

[size=1][EDIT] Still wondering if I should buy Splinter Cell or rent itā€¦ If itā€™s one of those games that you can really only play once, why shell out $50CDN+ when I can play it for $4?[/size]

Good Replay, I played through the game 2 times on normal and 1 time on hard.

The only reason i stopped playing is because Ubisoft went ape **** and released a patch that messed up my MP.

Oh ya, the first ground control can be gotter FREE and FULL here! YAY!

The funny part is that both of the games he really liked werenā€™t Xbox exclusive.

Aaaand :P? They donā€™t have to be ;P.

Sharif, i didnā€™t know you smoked pot! Whats up with the name change!

Eilsoe gave it to me. I like it.

I donā€™t smoke pot. Thatā€™s not funnyā€¦:sure:.

hificopymaster, you are a girl after my own heart :slight_smile: A nintendo Loyalist :link:

One game that I would reccomend to you that is VERY much in the tradition of Nintendo with a great story and immersive gameplay is ā€œBeyond Good and Evilā€. This is a fantastic game that should not be missed. Itā€™s only short coming is that it is, too short :frowning:

Contrary to what Grinch has said, this is NOT the console to be looking for great RPGā€™s, as of yet anyway. There are some great ones on the way but nothing to write home and tell mom about now.

Xbox is not great for platformers, RPGā€™s and games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Hoon, itā€™s the home of Action, Shooters, Sports and More Action and more Shooters. Itā€™s great for what it is, and I love my Xbox, but the Cube is always going to be Number one when it comes to actual story and gameplay.

Everything SureShot said is true.

I rented the new harvest moon, not as good as the others i think.

Thanks Sushisource :slight_smile:

By the way, I love your avitar :thumb:
