This was my afternoon. I promise its worth the read of you have a few minutes.
So I’m standing at a bust stop on the way to pick up my motorbike from the shop. It’s a baking hot day and there are no buses. A car pulls up and this guy shouts ‘Hey! Can you help me, I’m from LA and I need a Londoners help’ Haivng been in a pickle in a few foreign cities I think, okay I’ll give him some time. He says that his car has been impounded and that he needs someone to help him get it out. It’s his dads car and hes in trouble. He assure me he will give me a lift to where I want to go. (Dude is in a minicab). I thought, well he needs + I need a life + minicab so cant be dodgy + I am a big believer in helping others in need = I get in the cab.
So off we go to the car pound. Turns out he got done for drink driving last night has been at the police station. He needs to get the car out without his dad finding out as he recently had a triple heart bypass and doesnt need the stress alarm bell 1. Also his wife will kill him, cue him showing me his kids on his phone. He tells me that he is the manager of an electronics shop in Wandsworth (that I know well so I think cool) and if I can help him he will give me a 60gb iPOD. I told him not to worry, I was happy to help.
We are driving along and he says that he needs £45 to get the car released as he doesnt have any credit cards with him. The cash cards are in the car so he will pay me back when we get the car out. alarm bell 2
The car is a Lincoln Navigator and he will give me a lift to where I was going. So we are driving and driving. I know London well so although we were going around the houses I was happy all was cool. Then he phones this guy called ‘Adi’ who is the attendant at the car pound. Turns out that this guy is bribing ‘Adi’ to let him sign the car out as normally the owner does it (the guys dad). alarm bell 3
As we get towards the destination it turns out that ‘Adi’ isnt playing ball and wants more cash. The stakes go up, this guy offers me a G5 Powerbook if I can help him.
- At this point I’m thinking, okay can I afford to lose £150 if he is lying?
- I want a G5 Powerbook and I trust this guy.
- I hope he doesnt kidnap and kill me.
So I go to a cash point and get the £150. Go back to the cab which is down the road from the pound. The guy goes in and gives ‘Adi’ the cash. Success! Adi lets him take the cash cards form the car, but wont release it unless he gets some more money or some electronics. alarm bell 4
So off we go in the cab to the ‘warehouse’ to get the goods for me and ‘Adi’. We pull up in this side street and I have to stay with the cab while the guy goes and gets the stuff. By this point the cab driver is getting seriously agitated, he wants his money and is worried. I told him to chill, if the dude runs off I will pay him. After 10 mintues I get a call on my phone from the guy saying that he is up the road but doesnt wnat the cab driver to see any of the goods. alarm bell 5 I think that it makes sense as the cab driver is getting agitated. I give him £20 and tell him to go. Up the road I walk and get to the meeting place. No one there. 5 minutes later, no one there. Penny drops.
So there we have it. You can vist cities like San Jose, Mombasa and not get fleeced. But even in the back of your own yard it can happen. When your guard is at its lowest. Yes I was stupid and yes I was greedy. But I just take it as an expensive lesson in life. Even though I missed all the alarm bells I just trusted the guy and thought if I was in his position, I would appreciate help.
I’m not sure how this will affect my view of people. I think it will make me more cautious again, because I always go with my gut and this is the first time it has been badly wrong. I will definitely be less willing to trust people I have just met.
What do you think? A good lessson in life or an upsetting event?