PS2 vs Xbox. I know you will make the right choice

mdipi helps Nali up and tells mak to take it to the trout thread

i’m a hardcore PC fan!! i only have gf2 right now but it plays games pretty good, gotta upgrade it soon maybe to gf4 or radeon 9700 …i wish…
but i too would buy ps2 if i had the $$$ =) not many people i know have xbox but plenty have ps2

Wait for the new Geforce ¿Ti? coming in February. It’ll be better than the 9700 and ONLY cost about 500 dollars. I would love to have one of those if I could afford to spend $500 for better graphics. I wish pc stuff would be a little cheaper. I mean you could easily spend $2000 to make a great p.c. and could probably go up to $3000 making it top of the line ($10,000 if you got one of those giant flat screen monitor things the size of a door).

i cant afford the Geforce FX coming in Feb…radeon will be like $300 by then and so i might get that…,all depends on how much $$$ i have saved up and thing dont look so good right now :*(

x box is losing money and losing it fast, thet take $100 for every system they sell. they hoped software sales would compensate but they were wrong. Gamecubes software sales far exceeded expectations by nintendo. Xbox has a HORRIBLE design and the quality of it feels cheap. Cube is by far the coolest looking system out (go buy a gamecube platinum color, the best)

vts31 - that’s exaclty what I said :slight_smile:

Hey - your @ss is sucking air I think. You said that gamecube was a failure as far as sales are concerend? Well check the stats bud cause Gamecube is selling WAAY better than Xbox in terms of systems sold and games sold. Not only in the americas but also all over the world.

Are you sure the 9700 is gonna drop to $300? Right now their Christmas special is selling them for $460, are they really gonna drop almost $200 when the FX comes out, cause thats MORE card than i’d ever need (in the next year :))

We have a PS2, so it got my vote. My husband wouldn’t have it any other way!

Hey nali,
Yeah, I think the 9700 will drop to 300 by Christmas. In fact, it is 310 on pricewatch right now. If you are looking for prices that are not 2X the manufacturing cost, buy online. Nobody should ever go to a real-world store and buy hardware. Stores add extra for shipping, shelf space, etc.

The XBOX is a money loser, but MS has the resources to keep it going. For them, a few hundred million loss is a blip compared to the the 10s of billions in revenue the make every quarter.

Kirupa =)

Phil Jayhan: hahahaha thanks for the interpritation of my last comment, I guess I did sound a little mean - and there definatly were bodily “sounds” in the background :slight_smile:

I have been really busy as of late - with work and the time of season and blah blah blah - you know the story. But I still read all the messages (even the trout smaking one) I just dont always reply :slight_smile: Thanks for noticing though!

As for the Xbox - Kirupa is right - they can afford to loose millions on the thing and not blink an eye but that’s what sucks, they are buying up all these little software companies and are going to have a monopoly on the video game industry if we arent carefull!

Crazy world we live in that’s for ■■■■ sure:hat:

Microsoft isn’t even close to a monopoly on the gaming industry. Name one good game they’ve put out on a PC in the last 3 years. All they have is the X-box, and that’s not even close to a monopoly.

Kirupa- Ya, I always forget to check pricewatch. I just went to and they were having a “Christmas special: Radeon 9700 for $460”. Maybe I should build a new desktop when I get off at college if prices are dropping.

Pcs own at FPS and MMRPG. Doom 3 has the best graphics and sound i have ever seen or heard in my life im confident nonoe of the new systems could handle it. not even X-box. But none the less consoles are nostalgic and just plain. i dont think computer could reproduce the feeling i got when my tiny 9 year olf hands beat Bowser after non stop of playing super mario bros. or the satisfaction of kicking ass at golden eye.

Hey hey nali!!
What do you mean “what is the last great Microsoft game for the PC??” I can name Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance, Black Knight, and now Mercenaries. Age of Empires was quite a good game for its day. Flight Simulator is one of the best simulations ever! So bleh :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirupa :A+:


The Xbox is the better machine. :stuck_out_tongue:

It has third party support. Microsoft owns it (people who hate microsoft, get a life) and that ensures years of quality games.

Oh, and how about all those great games coming out for it.

Some Sequels…
Splinter Cell 2, Ghost Recon 2, Halo 2,

Some new ones…
Counter Strike, Ninja Gaiden, Fable

MANY MANY others.

What does PS2 have on the horizon? A gay looking rehash of the Metal Gear Solid series… and Final Fantasy X-2. X-2, though, is a crappy desperate wail for money. It’s not even a new game. They just took FFX, copied 90% of it, made some new FMV’s and tweaked a bit.

Anyways. I still love PS2, but it’s not the better system. It’s sucking on all cylinders right now, and I don’t see it picking up till AT LEAST next year.

Well we all know the xbox is the “better system” technically - but that doesnt make it the BEST when it comes to games - which let’s face it, makes or breaks the system. Look at the Dreamcast, it was by far the best system in it’s time but PS2 took all the wind out of it’s sales and had an inferior product but the marketing, big games, big companies and EB employees grrrrr where behind it and look what happend. The DC just disapeared.

Games wise - if you want Quantity - go for the PS2 - they have a million and one games and some are great, but most are crap :slight_smile:

Graphics - it’s close between the GameCube and Xbox but Bill’s box wins out for sure, it’s just too powerful - not to mention the hard drive.

Overall - For me it’s the GameCube (as most of you know) because I love their 1st party games more than any other ones out there and the controller is fantastic. Not to mention it’s cheaper because it’s not selling as strong as the other - bonus for me and the others who love the Cube :slight_smile:

Either way - it’s up to your preference… I have both an Xbox and GameCube. I play the Cube WAAAAAAAAY more often than I do the Xbox but I like them both - just for different reasons.

I am reluctant to just pick a console and say its the best.

I am a video game junky and have been since I got my NES in “86”

I have PS2, XBOX, GameCube, SNES, Sega Genesis, and N64 all currently hooked up in my living room. Some get more attention than others but all are used still.

Ps2 with its great library of games is an excellent system. Although it has limitaitons. The need to use a multitap for 3 or more players, extra equipment needed for online gaming. Xbox has intense graphics and some kick arse games. Although its library is somewhat limited. But having four controller ports a hard drive and integrated netwrk capibility make up for that.

Gamecube has an even smaller library of games and cannot play music cd’s or DVD’s. But nintendo holds thier game liscences with an iron fist and refuses to release them to be ported to other systems. So if you want mario and metroid…buy nintendo.

I love them all. I cant decide. Its like saying whats better a BMW or a Benz? They both are incredible automobiles…but have different features.

Well said Fester :slight_smile:

thanx bro…I basically said what you did though :slight_smile:

I must have been typing my post while you were :thumb:

I’m aware of PS2’s AWESOME library of games, I’m talking about what’s coming.

‘New info’ as in … not old. :stuck_out_tongue:

I totally know where you’re coming from, SS and Fester, but honestly the better system right now is the Xbox - based on it’s game lineup as proposed at E3. Not on it’s hardware in comparison to the PS2’s.


3: Keeping in context with the thread -> the gamecube is not included in my opinions, nor does it effect them… not that I think it’s amazing, or bad, or anything. I’m just saying it isn’t … important to my opinion…

To be honest, I have no idea what nintendo did at E3. I missed that episode of Extended Play. lol.

um… where do I go to vote for PC? :stuck_out_tongue:

[size=1]btw, MegaDrive (Genesis for the Yanks?) is the best console ever[/size]