Russian School Siege

How is America supposed to protect a country unwilling to help protect the rest of the world?

how is attacking Iraq (the basis of the Coalition of the Willing) protecting the rest of the world? You’re being amalgamous again…

It is drawing the terrorists so they can be fought by a military. This creates less terrorists to go into places like Beslan to kill kids. It also will help spread democracy in the region and with that will stop the exportation of terrorists by middlestern countries because free countries don’t attack other free countries.

Fine, if you remain unmoving in your stance despite the obvious facts, then this is not a discussion, you are just stating what you beleive without acknowledge anthing else.

What about Aslan Maskhadov? I thought he was more open to dialogue than the others… Maskhadov is to Massud what Basayev is to Bin Laden… And Russia is to the USSR what Chechnya is to Afganistan…

Yes, but he lost control of Chechnya, he represents a moderate minority in chechneya, a good one, and talks should be open with him(rememeber I do criticize Russia) but it will be a cold day in hell when Maskhadov will challenge or oppose another Chechen leader, no matter how crazy Baslayev is.[Intresting Fact; Mashadov, in Afghanistan was in the Soviet Army, Arty Officer.]

In the end, I think we agree though. It’s one big mess and it’s not likely to stop anytime soon… :frowning:
Western nations have to put pressure to put an end to this. It’s our responsability not to permit other Beslan school sieges and the slaughter of Chechens (100k to 300k deaths - reminder).

It is one big mess, but to solve it having the Russians stop fighting will only encourage the Chechen Fundmentalist, and no peace will come of it. It must be something that is dealt from the both fronts.

Hey now whats with all the names and details? You guy’s are starting to sound like two intelligence officers bantering about what you just poured through at your day at work in some basement, on some frequency that don’t exist from a radio with no antenna but can here a cockroach fart in china.

No really, the details are good. :tb:

I have never learned so much about Russia and Chechnya than reading their posts :mu:

oh no, I acknowledge what you’re saying, I just don’t agree… I think it’s the same war, with new actors popping in…

For the rest of the post, yeah… /agree.

Okay fine, I’l make a consession… /agree. :smiley:

*So Interpol officer Pomme, my sources at the KGB tell me that… *
