Spurs Win Championship!

yeah, I read that too.
I also heard that Game One was one of the lowest watched NBA Finals game since the Nielson ratings were introduced, but don’t quote me on that.

*Mark Cuban, I love that guy.
(Always popping up talking about ‘HD Television’. -too funny.)

If I was him, I would have done the same thing with my ‘dotcom millions’-buy a NBA team!

All I can say is “go Mavericks!” :thumb:

I was going for the nets untill i found out it was david robinsons last season!
I’ve always thought david is an all-star player!

It was a good way for him to retire!

SA was too good, they had a French player in their team. How can you fight against that?

[size=1]Puts on armour and helmet[/size]

I just searched google pom, and I had no idea Tony Parker was the French player. His accent…his name…it doesn’t make any sense! :cyclops: Yeah, SA was a better team overall. Tim Duncan could shoot some pretty impressive shots.

Kirupa :pirate:

For those that have shown an interest in basketball in this thread already, how many people actually play the sport?

I do. But I haven’t played for a few months because when last season ended our team kind of broke up so I need to find a new team. :slight_smile: Wonder if those Lakers are looking for some fresh players…? :stuck_out_tongue:

I play ball as well, you might of remembered my “Women Refs are Crap” thread,

lol . So angry that day :!:

We were suppose to play tonight at a local competition in the hills Stadium (castle hill) but they didnt show so we won on forfeit. i hate winning that way. Grrr :angry:

Dave who posted above and I play in that competition. Been playing for years now in competition and playing basketball in general since i was in Primrary school, its one of my loves in life. :love:

I’ve been playing ball for a VERY long time, but not lately. Last time I played, I got my assed kicked by a bunch of tiny Singaporean guys :-\ Arrghhh!!

I played high school ball back in the day.

Ever since I moved to Irvine CA, I haven’t been able to find a decent pick up game.

No offense, but ‘dotcom whiteguys’ just aint got game. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t see how a guy can get the league’s MVP and not be a superstar. Tim Duncan may not have the pizazz as other super star players but his game and the fact the his team win games makes him a superstar. I think his style is similiar to Bill Russel one of the greatest players of all time. Jason Kidd is great comparable to AI, maybe not in shooting ability but in caliber of player. The reason the ratings were low was because LA wasn’t in it, if you get their fan base you get higher ratings. The same thing happened to the NHL playoffs because big market teams like Colorado and Detroit weren’t in it.


But do you think that Tim Duncan makes the team better?

I hate to use him as an example cause it is so easy, but vintage Jordan made the Bulls a better team. I don’t see Duncan doing the same.

I do agree that he is a very strong player,-needs to work on his free throws… maybe if he wasnt so boring in the post game interviews.

Needs to improve his free throws? So does most of the NBA including Shaq. Does he make his team better? Yes. He averaged a double double almost every game. Without Duncan the Spurs would not be in the playoffs. Scottie Pippen is one of the 50 greatest players in the NBA, and Horace Grant had a pretty productive career, the Spurs have David Robinson, not exactly in his prime and a whole bunch or role players. Tim Duncan definetly makes his team better.

All I have to say is, the 2002-2003 Spurs just wouldn’t have won a championship against the Bulls of the 90’s or made it past the Lakers of the 80’s.
That’s why no one wants to give them credit…well maybe you.:stuck_out_tongue:

What I would like to see is Jason Kidd go to the Spurs (like the rumors have been saying)-then that would be interesting!

Hopefully next season will be more exciting.:wink:

I just said Duncan was a superstar, not that his team could beat the Bulls, it’s practically impossible to judge teams of different eras as to how they would fair aganist each other, I do think Jordan is one of the best if not the best player of all time. Duncan is up there but not close to Jordan.

K-man, I’m a big Dallas fan as well… One of the reasons is their point guard - my main Canuck - Steve Nash :slight_smile:

As for the Spurs winning - they deserved it, they had the toughest road to the finals and pulled through like champs. I really dont think you are going to see JKidd with the nets next year, just listen to the interview after the game - I think he’s gone. If he goest to San Antonio - look out… just when you thought they couldnt get any better. Tim and Jason will average triple doubles every night… :frowning:

I am a Raptors fan and Love Vince Carter, but he’s been injury prone the last few seasons, I’m just praying he doesnt turn into Grant Hill or Penny. crosses fingers

I remember when Penny was being hailed as the next Jordan and he was doing really awesome and then he went to Pheonix and nearly and basically fell off the map. I never thought Hill was that great, but he had an unassuming game.

nevermind Whippersnapper. I guess I cant get my point across.
You come across as too hostile.

Sureshot, I too like Vince Carter, but he needs to:

  1. Get and stay healthy.
  2. Get traded.
  3. Get traded.

What I want to see is the Mavs and Spurs (with Kidd) in the Western Conf Finals next season.

Thats a series.

Coolidge - shut yo mouth!!

The day Vince get’s traded is the day I come to your house and punch ya in the face for sending out bad vibes :slight_smile:

Why do you want him to get traded, you want him on your team :wink: He’s just fine where he is… Air Canada belongs in Toronto!

I don’t think I’m being hostile, I was agreeing with your comments about Vince Carter. For awhile there Penny and Hill where lighting it up. And when I say unassuming game like Duncan. If this is hostile I don’t know what this world is coming to.


I just want to see Vince shine. :thumb:
I respect his agressiveness and his power dunks.

I’m a Mavs fan. Always have, always will be. I don’t want him in Dallas tho…although…nah!

I admit, if he left the Raptors, that would be a boring team.
What do you as a Raptors fan think they should do?:q:

it’s a sad world. a sad sad world.