As a Raptors fan, I think they need a coach that will light a fire under each of the players, especially Vince. He could take over the league - he proved it with his first couple seasons. Lenny is an amazing coach but he wasnt the right fit in Toronto. Not to mention the poor bugger had to deal with the Raptors breaking the NBA league record for the most man games missed in one season.
Antionio Davis, Vince Carter, Alvin Williams are elite players and I think will show that this year - you just wait and see. Here’s hoping they make the right choices in the off season and get a coach who will make the players work.
That is one of the best dunks ever! Sure it was a “bit” of a charge, but when you jump over a 7foot centre, you tend to get the call I have video on my computer at home if you want it
I like the mavericks a lot too, and i wish they went all the way. Dirk Nowiniski kindof looks like Shaggy off Scooby Doo.:-\ I usually dont watch the NBA regular season, but i love to watch the playoffs. usually the last 5 minutes are the most exciting if the game is close. and it comes down to 1 last shot. I want a Nets-Lakers rematch next FInals, with Kobe Bryant or Jason Kidd taking the winning/loosing shot. that would be a finish.
I like most sports, i dont watch Hockey that much, but i dont hate it. im glad the NFL season is almost here. I thinkt Green Bays going all the way this year.