Submit here (June 22 - June 27)

If you wish to be considered for the SOTW for June 22- 26, 2003, please read the summary of rules:

  1. Reply by the end of Friday, May 26 to be considered for this week’s award.

  2. Include the URL and your email address.

Only the webmaster/creator of the site can submit.

Only one submission per person per week.

Submissions are capped at 10 each week, so don’t wait or hesitate until the last minute.

Include a brief synopsis of your site inluding its purpose, or maybe some features you wouldn’t want anyone to miss.

  1. Websites submitted must be at least 90% Flash. Sites that have HTML pages with a Flash intro are ineligible.

  2. While it is understood that sites are perpetually under construction, please submit only complete sites. Do not submit a site that is less than 80% finished.

  3. Submissions must be actual websites with sections and content. Examples of ineligible include (but not limited to) flash games, movies, etc.

  4. There will be a private poll among the moderators and a winner will be announced by Tuesday of that week.

  5. No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread. If you wish a concentrated critique of your site, you may start a thread in Site Check. However, mod critiques will be posted when a winner has been selected.

For more information or questions, please refer to the Official SOTW Rules. Once you have read and understand the rules above, you may submit your site to this thread. Sites not adhering to the rules above will be disqualified and deleted. Submitting your site is an agreement and acceptance of the rules.

RennaisanceGirl and Mods

Site of the week submission:
Developer: Jozias Dawson
Location: California , USA

Even though it says “nice & Simple” the creation was no walk through the park, about 50% of the site was done using flash drawing API.
I was hell bent on using NO tweens / extra frames to save file size and processor. All movement, fades, color changes everything is done using only action script which was hours on hours of sleepless nights trying to make things perfect. I also have a queer obsession with coldfusion and decided to make the site have a hardy coldfusion backend that allows me to interchange images, buttons & most informational text from a html interface.

It can be difficult when you’re working on your layout and you don’t have a lot of visible graphics to work with.

If I wrote to much iam sorry :wink:

Site of the week submission:
Developer: Alex Cury
Portfolio Site
Location: Montreal, Canada

Description: Portfolio Site of the evolution of Alex Cury the person & designer. Content includes past/new projects for Print/Web. Purpose of the site I wanted to have a showcase to show off my work and skills for potentiel employers. Also its a place where I post my thoughts kinda of a personal journal which is public. I have a section for photoshop tutorials to help the junior designers too.

Thank you for taking the time and viewing my site much appreciated.

Best Regards,
A. C

SOTW submission:

Developer: Jorge F. Guitián
Gargore Multimedia Site
Location: Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Cool ‘inspiration source site’, mr. Chinnathambi! been around here daily for some months now. Really helpful.

Enjoy the site!

Site of the week submission:
Developer:Naresh Kumar
Personal/Portfolio Site
Location: Singapore
Comments: errrr its my 1st flash site . not really FLASHY but wat the heck. :P:toad:

SOTW submission:

Developer: Stefan Visser
Personal/Portfolio Site
Location: Spijkenisse, The Netherlands

Comments: on request. Hope y’all like! :wink:

Developer: Simon Rüegg
Personal/Portfolio Site
Location: Oberbussnang, Switzerland

Site of the week submission:
Developer: E3
Location: Malaysia,Jb

Just a simple site :slight_smile:

is that gator stuff from your site?

Developer: Gaston Siciliano - Eyewake Design Force
Location: Miami - FL

Description: Site promoter, to feature unsigned artist.
Features: Built in flash song player, that stream and plays high quality mp3 files.

After the voting, the results are as follows:

Jozias 22.22%
E.D.E 77.78%
Zomb 0 0%
Naresh666 0 0%
[m] 0 0%
Simon 0 0%
E3ven 0 0%
Eyewake 0 0%

Congratulations to E.D.E for winning this week’s SOTW! You will be featured on the main page of for this week. You may also post a graphical award from this page:

Good job to all the participants. One of the valuable aspects of SOTW is to get valuable feedback about your site and get an idea of how well it stands beside some of the best on the web. Mod critiques will be posted shortly. :slight_smile:

<b>Jozias:</b> Very small Enter button on the splash page, which was difficult to see. Throughout the site in fact, I was having to squint to read some of the text, it’s just too small. Nice looking site though, with an interesting colour scheme. Quick loading and simple navigation.

Top-notch site. I didn’t have problems reading the texts, except for the audio button. Everything is a bit déjà-vu, but it’s executed à la perfection. Bravo.

I thought the pixel font on my site was small, but the one used on this site makes my pixel font look huge. As for the design, it’s interesing and the effects are smooth. What killed it for me was the microscopic pixel font.

Really cool site; the colors are very pleasant, and the overall site was very polished! Great work.

<b>E.D.E:</b> Eyecatching splash. Great look to this one too, there’s a lot going on and a lot to interact with. It’s quite busy, but works nicely. Runs very smoothly and blends together seamlessly. Some fantastic artwork on here as well. I really like this site.

Nice design, but sometimes there are so many things on the screen that my eyes cross. Nice PS tutes by the way.

I like this site a lot, great artwork and the grungy techy style layout is really appealing. I love the use of colors, really nice eye candy. Some of the artwork does remind me of shadowness, but these have more color.

Brilliant combination of images, colors, and animation. This is a really good site as well.

<b>Zomb:</b> Option to load in a pop up, which is a nice thought. First impressions when the site loads are really good. It’s quick, but the design and images jump out at you. Good choice of colours - the colouring of the pictures on each transition works really well. Clear navigation as well, though it would perhaps have been nice to see some effect on a rollover, just so you know what you’re highlighting.

Not bad at all, the transitions are very nice and creative, but there’s a problem with the text: it’s too big and never straight.

Another interesting layout, though I’m not fond of the colors used. Another thing that I didn’t like was how the transitions just jump to another section then slides in. It’s not too smooth when that happens.

Great site! The circles moving over the clouds is very nifty. My only suggestion would be to use a different font. The plain fonts do no justice to your excellent, modern design.

<b>Naresh 666:</b> Took a long time to load initially for so little result, but the window idea is a nice touch. Another very long wait for the main site, though a nice effect on the preloader. Once inside though, it’s got some nice innovative ideas. I particularly liked the Guestmap, where users can tag the part of the world they’re viewing from and leave a message. The spraycans are cool as well, something different.

Once again a nice site, with a nice splash, and a fun navigation. But nothing seemed to happen when I tried to navigate the gallery, and nothing seems to change on the right part of the site.

First off, this site took forever to load and I’m on a cable connection. I’m glad I don’t have 56k, would of taken forever. As for the design, I already mentioned this in the site check section, but it needs a more urban look to match the theme. I love the beats though…

Pretty cool site with a very good preloader. The site took me an excessive amount of loading the two times I tried it the past week. The colors of the spray cans and the soft background clash slightly.

<b>[m]:</b> Splash page mentioned an animation below to check for the plug in and it wasn’t visible, even though I have Flash and the site worked fine. Overall layout is clean and simplistic, with a few splashes of colour to liven it up. Some of the text is difficult to read sometimes, maybe switchIt’s certainly nice to look at, and simple to use. Portfolio is a little empty, but the Playground is great - there’s some wonderful examples of scripting here, especially the one with the changing shapes.

Yet another nice site, a bit empty unfortunately. I like the little details (nice idea in the news section), but there are also little problems: the font in playground is not correctly embedded, the ’ character is replaced by squares…

The layout is really simple and very clean. Nicely laid out and the transitions are smooth. A lot of good sites this week and this one is one of my favorites.

Wow - nice and simple! The layout is clean, and the use of colors is very good. One suggestion would be to make the experiments in your playground open in a new window. It gets a tad bit annoying having to use the browser’s back button only to have to mute the sound and navigate to the section again.

<b>Simon:</b> Very plain splash, and thoughtfully gives the option to skip the intro. Opened in a pop up though, which I’m not keen on. Quite a nice design, but there’s nothing that leaps out at you. Nothing happens on rollovers, you have to wait until a menu item is clicked. However, it’s a very clear and easy to understand navigation system. I like the artwork - would have been nice to see more. And the mini versions at the bottom of the screen, they could have been used as an alternative nav.

You need to change that splash page, it’s really not good-looking. Fortunately the site in itself is much better. The design needs more work though.

I got bored of this site really quick. Right when I saw the splash page, I knew this site was going to be boring. The colors aren’t too appealing and the design of the layout lacks professionalism. I suggest working with more color to make it more interesting or go with a different color scheme.

Pretty cool site. I would suggest working on the interface and trying to use different colors to liven up the site. The font is quite plain, and the gray and brownish color don’t go well in their current setup.

<b>E3ven:</b> First thing this did was spawn a pop up for the Gator Corporation. Not good. It looks quite funky when you’re inside, but there’s really not much here. Half of the drop down menus in the links section didn’t work - I tried to use the Site Navigation box, but nothing happened. The Shoutbox was also down. About the most I could do was go off to another site. Not a particularly great use of Flash either.

Opened 3 new windows, I closed everything, sorry.

As mentioned in Site Check, there should be a feature to shut off the music. Also none of the navigation work…

Interesting layout! I couldn’t find a way to mute the music, and some of the links wouldn’t load. Where’s the Flash as well - the random circles tut?

<b>Eyewake:</b> Spawned a pop up and filled my screen when I didn’t ask for it. I couldn’t re-size the window either, I was stuck with full screen. I’m not too sure about the green as a colour scheme and background, but it’s well blended and put together. The transitions are well made, and everything works, but it doesn’t stand out all that much.

Nice colors and design, but the “topic” is not very interesting, and there’s not much content. And come on! You can’t win every week!

Nice and clean layout. The monochrome yellow is interesting as well. I thought the initial loading sequence of the layout was a bit long though.

Nice site, cool fonts, great colors, and the image effects are quite excellent. You may want to add some variation between the sections, but overall, nice site!