Terror alert raised!

3-4 year old intel…

what a coincidence…when Kerry announces his running mate and all focus is on the demos, our man Ridge gives a “terror alert”, and days after the DNC, when all focus is on Kerry and pals, Ridge gives another “terror alert”

how convenient

The intel was 3-4 years old, but that doesn’t mean that the terrorists could not act on this threat in the short term. Also, this information was confirmed by some Al Qaeda terrorist captured by Pakistani troops only recently. I am willing to bet that the gov’t has hundreds if not thousands of similar threats in their files. When another al qaeda operative confirms it, then that threat has a greater chance of actually becoming a problem, and the law enforcement agencies can put more effort into stopping them.

Many Al Qaeda attacks have been in planning for several years. I would rather have a warning the few weeks around an attack than one huge warning for the next 2-3 years.

In the words of Bill Clinton when asked this exact question on David Letterman, “Homeland Security played it right!”


Sorry guys but this is a typical bush administration tactic - We live in dangerous times yes, but. How much much of it is instigated by well timed media reports, fear mongering, finger-pointing and general stupidity. I find it interesting to note that we still have no proof Al qaeda was responsible for 9/11, George technically is NOT the elected president of the US, ( his family has a 20 year business relationship with the Bin Laden family, saudi’s and under the guidance of his father Bush snr, the CIA trained both Saddam’s troops and Al Qaeda in the Iran/ Iraq Contra wars).

Suddenly a plane hits the US, and an opportunity to use fear to remove peoples civil liberties, start a race-hate campaign, and “liberate” the oppressed Iraqi people.

You may say I am misinformed, or cold and not respectful of the many innocent people that died in 9 / 11 ( I lost 2 friends). All I am saying is look behind the bull**** and think outside of the state-sponsored mob mentality

Power to the people.pixi.

Sorry guys but this is a typical bush administration tactic - We live in dangerous times yes, but. How much much of it is instigated by well timed media reports, fear mongering, finger-pointing and general stupidity. I find it interesting to note that we still have no proof Al qaeda was responsible for 9/11, George technically is NOT the elected president of the US, ( his family has a 20 year business relationship with the Bin Laden family, saudi’s and under the guidance of his father Bush snr, the CIA trained both Saddam’s troops and Al Qaeda in the Iran/ Iraq Contra wars).

Suddenly a plane hits the US, and an opportunity to use fear to remove peoples civil liberties, start a race-hate campaign, and “liberate” the oppressed Iraqi people.

You may say I am misinformed, or cold and not respectful of the many innocent people that died in 9 / 11 ( I lost 2 friends). All I am saying is look behind the bull**** and think outside of the state-sponsored mob mentality

I 100% AGREE

ha, but you are misinformed. Al Qaeda is responsible for 9/11, that’s very certain… And technically, George is the elected president of the US (but there are non-elected presidents such as Daddy, the Saudis, Carlyle, The Hawk team - sounds like the A-Team. Did I say “puppet”? [U]my bad[/U].

(irony inside… or not)

I find it interesting to note that we still have no proof Al qaeda was responsible for 9/11

i might be misinformed, but other than heresay, fingerpointing, and the word of elected officials, where is the proof??

I would say that W is the appointed President, but i can’t concede that he was officially, and rightfully, elected…

er sorry, “legally elected president” is a better description. Al qaeda was responsible? interesting… got any proof apart from a garbled taped message that anyone could have recorded? If they were responsible for it ( Osama Bin laden in charge) - why did the cia fly 32 members of the Bin laden family out of the states less than 48 hours after 9/11 ( wouldnt you want to question them?) – And yes you are correct there are unofficial presidents pulling the strings behind the scenes… sorry I dont believe CNN / any govt of the world anymore…

(it’s obvious someone’s seen Farenheit 9/11…;))

The media THRIVES on bad news. Watching a car accident is infinetly more interesting than watching some fireman save a stranded kitty.

Knowing this, it’s VERY easy to play on this machine of fear – to manipulate the viewer into believing what you’re selling. It’s called good journalism. When you can take something extremely outrageous – ie. revoking constitution-granted American rights to privacy – and make the public buy into it, you’re one hell of a manipulator.

Such is our president, his cabinet, and Congress. It’s been dubbed the war on terror, which is a VERY ironic declaration of state based on how much MORE terror has been caused as a result. The American people are being terrorized – by their own leaders.

Why do you think Bush – an ex coke-fiend with ties to the bin Laden’s and a history of stupidity – has chosen Christian values as his platform? Because the conservative, religious zealots in this country are VERY easy to manipulate. And they have massive voting power. Get in good with them, and you can relax a bit about your chances in the upcoming election. The beauty of backing a major religion is that is transcends both parties.

There should be no mention of any religion on or around anything related to the government – it says this quite clearly in the constitution. So not only is supporting the ten commandments in a courthouse unfair to other religions, it is actually forbidden in the constitution. But what did the founding fathers know, eh?

We’re losing rights and freedoms by the truckload on a daily basis and most people – especially congressmen – have no idea it’s happening. We’re being manipulated by corporations and our “elected” leaders into being fearful of anything that moves.

“Rocking” the vote doesn’t mean a thing when both candidates have their own, corporate-funded agenda. Bush lost the election – but somehow in his brother’s state, under the supervision of a close family friend, he was able to win anyways.

North Korea? No threat. But Iraq! Let’s get 'em! Yeeehaw! Who needs proof of WMDs when you can keep scaring the American people into forgetting to ask about them by saying something about the color orange in a press conference.

Just like Bush on the morning of 9/11 after being informed about the first plane and then the second all while sitting idly in a classroom, we as citizens just sit by reading our book(s), waiting for someone else to make the first move or make the moves for us.

Our country is going to ****, and no one is doing anything about it. Choosing the lesser of two evils is far from the way elections should be in the US – even if we are scared or manipulated into voting for the one that promises the most safety from unseen threats.

I know it may be shocking, but yes :stuck_out_tongue: Beyond tapes, you have the statements of captured Taliban members, various writings, plane tickets paid for from Taliban-funded accounts, etc.

Not to throw more gas on this fire but… before you go about spouting everything that appeared in Farenheit 9/11 as if it were true you should look at this - http://www.davekopel.com/Terror/Fiftysix-Deceits-in-Fahrenheit-911.htm

The link between Al Quida and 9/11 is very clear. And the legality of our president’s election is based upon the electoral system which is proven and effective for a republic like ours. It’s sad that neither candidate was good enough to get a clear majority in both the electoral college and the popular vote, but the system has very clear rules and Bush won under this system, get over it.

As long as Moore still gets you all talking about democracy, I’m happy.
(And Sirtimbly, that url you gave is as biased as MM’s website…)

Just curious> have you ever gotten down to blue or green in the terror-scale in the past 2 years? (yeah, I asked that question already…)

Anything lower than “imminent doom” orange or red, the terror alert thing is ignored by most of the media (at least I don’t pay attention to it) :slight_smile:

What?! There are terror alerts other than orange?! When did that happen?

(I really don’t worry about it that much, regardless of color;))

Yeah, the terror alert thing is pretty much pointless. People changed the way they watch everything after 9/11. We dont <em>need</em> the terror scale. It’s more of a way for the govmt’ to cover its collective ***. They can say, see we raised the terror alert, we warned everyone that an attack was immenent, now you can’t say we didn’t warn you!

Michael Moore has only recently brought this to the attention of “popular culture” - there have been many authors over the past 10 years exploring the global elite and their media frenzied, fear driven methods to systematically strip away civil liberties and create an economic climate for further exploitation of new “western colonies” - Yeah I might have recently seen Farenheit 9/11 and you may think I am a delutional conspirisist, but social responibility has force all of us to reconsider the difference between fact and fiction.

Question Time- Are you proud to have George as president? Are you/ americans better off? Do you/americans feel safer? Is he protecting your natural forests, giving you better healthcare, pensions, Can you name a single thing the current american govt has done to better the lives of its citizens or the rest of the human race for that matter? or are all your tax dollars paying to set the world at odds, create a platform of caos for a new world order to triumphantly emerge as victor? – Why cant we all just get along? ( recursive?)

You all have to think before you speak (or type for that matter), when intelligence is working as it should you never hear about it. They are able to intercept threats, and stop possible attacks before they happen. Oh, and remember attacks against any target by a terrorist, aren’t generally last minute descisions, sometimes, weeks, months, and even years of planning take place. Thats right the intelligence trail may go back several years before it points to a definite target, or threat.
Now when intelligence misses something, and terrorists are able to attack, we immediatly blame the guys wading through tons of information trying to make links to events leading up to the attack. Intelligence is not easy, the terrorists dont announce their plans, however, after the fact, it is easy to see that the guy buying plane tickets was a terrorist planning to crash a plane. This happens not because of bad intelligence, it happens because, people can’t predict the future, they have to make educated descions based on what is known at that time.
The entire color level system has been used by the military for quite some time, and after the attacks on the Pentagon and the WTC Towers, the PUBLIC requested they get the same information, so that they could be better prepared for any similar event. In the military you pay attention to the warnings because you have to go about your work differently, however the public ignores them and becomes complacent because they don’t have to do anything different when the warning levels change. And when nothing happens they just make another attack against the system they requested.
Anyway since everyone is so full of Moore propaganda, I’ve wasted my time, back to sifting through stacks of information…

[ot]I once read a book about what to do in case of a terrorist attack (I have strange reading habits, I know) and it made a good point about the terror alert colours. It said that no matter what the alert actually is, you should always assume it’s orange. Orange is the safest colour, because you’re always on your toes. You pay attention to what’s going on around you, you don’t take things for granted and dismiss dangerous-sounding events, but at the same time, you aren’t scared enough to run for cover.[/ot]

I have no problems with him, and I actually like him as an individual. I guess you can say I am proud to have him as the Prez!

I don’t know how I can really measure “safe.” I, personally, wasn’t in danger before, nor am I in danger now (the yakuza have indefinitely postponed their hit on me :P) I do sense that I am safer when flying via airports due to increased security or using public transportation in a large city.

In the US, the gov’t is not responsible for providing me with healthcare or a pension unless I actually work for the gov’t. If one ends up working in the private sector, your pension and healthcare is usually covered by the company itself :slight_smile:

That is a nice post paradox. I was under the false impression that the color codes were recent introductions :frowning:

Wow, I envy that lifestyle

I was under the false impression that the color codes were recent introductions

The civilian (homeland security) codes are new. The military has had Threatcon for quite a while, it used to be known as Defcon. Threat Conditions for military follow a Alpha, Brava, Charlie, Delta scale. It’s Alpha right now, and as far as I know that’s the lowest it has ever been, though I think there is something like “No Threat” or something but I doubt it will ever go back down there. Interestingly enough there is a mirror system to the Threatcon’s for network security call Infocon. Every level of Infocon means a heightened level of network security. I’m guessing I would lose my network access as soon as it bumps above alpha.