just bought the criteria collection or whatever its called for The Rock. its a great movie, if you havent seen it go rent it. and the theme is cool too.
i’ve seen it a cabillion times, and all the times it was great
I think a more important question is “Who hasn’t seen this movie?”
I love Sean Connery’s accent!
That is a really really cool movie!
I love that movie
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**I think a more important question is “Who hasn’t seen this movie?”**
i haven’t…
watched it in a week!
Jerry Bruckheimer imo is one of the greatest producers alive. he always picks the right films to produce, and they usually have cool music to.
Correction of the Correction: Who Hasn’t seen it 400 times?
I love that movie. Seen it so many times. Just hearing that guys name makes Bad Boys II look that much better.
I take pleasure in guttin’ you boy.
BTW - there aren’t tunnels under the prison…
::back to your normal scheduled thread::
How do you know Rev? Not like you could’ve visited alcatraz, you live too far away. That leaves only one option. You were an inmate there. What’d you do?
I know the lady who was the Set Manager for that movie. Nice lady. She ended up marrying Peter Cayote. Another nice guy. I think she just had a kid… I prob should check up on that, now that you mention it…
::grabs addy book::
rev you live/work in san fran right?
SF is my home…
Hmmm, Rev I’m considering going to do some work over in San Fran in a few years, maybe 2005. Probably as a lawyer - what’s it like. Is it expensive to rent or buy?
Shawn Conery hash the besht akshent on the panet
“I’m waiting to be impreshed”
-Shawn Connery
“Exshtrordanary gental men indeedsh”
-Shawn Connery
lol, yeah I love this part in The Rock:
opens door
“Welcome to the Rock”
Sean rocks.
*Originally posted by urbanscrawl *
**Hmmm, Rev I’m considering going to do some work over in San Fran in a few years, maybe 2005. Probably as a lawyer - what’s it like. Is it expensive to rent or buy? **
a studio apt in SF is $800 minimum (360 sq ft avg)
the average priced home in SF is over $500k …
One of the most expensive places in America. Next to Manhattan, NY… Even more expensive than Hawaii.
Actualy i have never seen this movie. I have seen parts of it like when they first enter the jail and when he shoves that big needle in his chest but niver seen it start to finish. Can’t say why i haven’t seen it jsut havent’ got around to it i guess.