I am writing a paper on this for a class I am taking (earth science). I thought it would be an interesting topic here.
By creation or evolution I am not talking about humans, or animals. I am talking about everything, earth, planets, solar systems, galaxys, the universe. Was all of this created, or did it evolve over time?
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**yes, our present day geologic columns support the world wide phlood theory **
Well, it doesn’t exactly support the flood theory but it does support the fact that there have been many recurrent cycles of flooding and receding as we go from one ice age to the next. Our current sea levels were only achieved about 2,000 years ago (P. V. Kirch).
Did god just drop the animals in the ark for him or did Noah still have to move them into the ship and arrange them once inside?
Where was the food for 2 of every species stored for 190 days
What about food after the fact? If all life on Earth was decimated, what would all of the remaining creatures eat? I suppose some plant life may have remained after being submerged under tens of thousands of feet of water, but what would the carnivores eat?
Also, how did all of the saltwater creatures survive? The amount of rain required to cover the tallest peaks on Earth(about 27,000 feet or so) would definitely throw off the salinity of the world’s oceans. Ask anyone that owns a saltwater fish tank and they’ll tell you that altering the salinity of the creatures’ surroundings that much would kill most of them. The thousands of feet of added water would also affect the plant life on the bottom of the oceans. It would kill the coral reefs, in turn killing all of the creatures that live in or around the reef. The ecosystem of the ocean is incredibly complex and fragile and most likely would not have survived anything of this magnitude.
Phil- I’m not ripping on anything, just trying to get people to think outside of their little box and explore some alternatives.
I beleive in both, well I do think God is in one way or another responsible for us, but I do think evolution is one of his ways.
Drop kick, no one takes that what was said literaly, it was 2 species of the KNOWN creatures around, like farm animals and such… of course it wasnt EVERYTHING, plus the flood didn’t flood everything, it only flooded well, the black sea area. ( I beleive most of the Black sea is the creation of that flood…) It scientificaly possible, there are Many stories of a great flood, (not only religious) and there is proof that under the black sea, people used to live.
The flood…
I don’t think so. Look at the volume of water needed to create a world wide flood. I beleive that the story of the great flood is derived from story telling. Much the same way as rumor’s and gossip work today. There was a flood somewhere, somebody told somebody about it, and they told somebody, and before long there was a giant flood that last a long time. I think many stories from the bible are created in this way.
People fear change. They don’t want to accept something new. There will be a time when no one believes in God, and religion is looked oupon much like the greek gods are today.
*Originally posted by c!rYx *
**religion is so useless, the only good thing about the bible is, that it teaches great family and living values you should pay attention to **
*Originally posted by RedMirrorBall *
**I think it (religion) is an outlet for people who are not willing to accept the fact that their existance is pointless. **
While I agree its not necessarily good ediquet to state such an inflammitory response. You have to remember that many people subscribe to a certain religion and they will find that remark offensive…
No, I do not. I also do not care if people do follow a religion. It’s all up to you I guess. Should I wear my red shirt or blue shirt? Should I believe in God or not? It’s all a matter of choice
Absolutely. Neither do I. I firmly believe in nothing. I am not saying that you should, I was simply inquiring as to your beliefs. But regardless of my atheism, comments like that aren’t generally appreciated, or they can be re-worded to not sound offensive…
You can have opposing views without offending. Thats all I’m saying. A disagreement is not offending.
Case 1:
I think it (religion) is an outlet for people who are not willing to accept the fact that their existance is pointless.
Case 2:
I think religion was created by man to make life meaningful, so as to not render life and existence pointless…
One is inflammatory to the actual subscribers of religion and one is not. Do you see what I mean? I am still disagreeing with them in case 2, but my words don’t have an edge. This is a debate, not an argument. If you have something to say, try your best to not sound like an ***.