I just wanna hear some critique about www.rewko.wz.cz
I’m not a big fan of infinitely scrolling menues…especially in this case, i think it looks tacky…but the pics are nice…
Try to make all the pics in the main page same size / shape. You can use just a fragment from picture to use it as a button. I think is enought if you write the numbers, you dont have to repeat "pic" on every picture. It also looks like you use too many fonts... There isn
t much information, so 2 fonts are ok, but 3 is just too much
Just some ideeas…
all right ive done something about that font. I dont think make fragments from pictures is good idea, because the buttons are generated dynamicly from original and i dont know how to create fine fragments automated.
FF warned me your flash would slow down my computer, so I terminated the script and everything froze. FIX IT.
Maxtr0sity may I ask what browser did you use? MSIE never did anything like this but Opera does it rarely
FF = FireFox.
I agree about the scrolling menu. I really hate dicking around with mouse-position based stuff. I think i’ve maybe seen one or two that have been really well implemented over the years. I would make the thumbs the same dimensions as well. Rather than dynamically resizing the orig’s I would use a batch program (graphic converter has a nice one) to generate thumbs and use those. If each thumb is say 4k systems won’t have to choke doing a resize of all those pic’s.
I don’t feel the font.
I would use preloaders that give more info than “loading”, like maybe a progress bar or something.
some changes done and the problem about slowing down computer should be solved.