What is a day in reference to the Bible?

want to play games and poilitcs, and the art of blame;

funny coming from you, cause you never do that……

But since you seem to shoot from the hip before imposing your little dictates on people, perhaps you should bother to read through the entire 2600 post thread before you post to enfore rules which don’t and haven’t for a long time, existed in this thread;

New word for the associattion game;


Why is it that everyone can have discussions on topics that they may or may not agree about.
But as soon as you know who turns up the thread goes down hill?

you would also think that BlindLizzard would be open to new ideas

Well at least he unlike some doesn’t claim that the Bible has all the answers and is above questioning. He did start this thread to address an idea, an idea that is not in the Bible.

About the day thing, the concept of “day” to the Jews back then could represent any part of a day.

For example they could have only went fishing in the morning, but they said they went fishing a whole day. Depended on usage.

Ok well you posted that for Blindlizard I believe, to address comments he made not me.
But fine let’s look at that again, even though you are supposed to be ignoring me and you have still not address any statement I made directly to you.

he ‘rained fire down on Soddom and Gommorah’ it means what it says

You say it means what it says, in response to this I gave an example and said that a priest told me that just because it’s in the Bible doesn’t mean that it actually happened.

That God really didn’t mean what he said, or was trying to confuse us, and really didn’t mean 24 hour days; Yes he did

Can you please show me in the Bible where it say’s a day is 24 hours ?

I think I need to jump in here and define the thread. Phil is right, the intention of the thread was to determine what the Bible ment by 6 days and how long a day may or may not be in that context. We have gone around and around in many other threads about creation vs evolution. I only wanted to discuss what we think a day is in eference to the Bible.

Your really starting to ramble now aren’t you. You must be getting really hot under the collar.

I am not even gonna bother putting effort in this response.

How many times have you said that the Earth was created in 6 days ?
This is what the Bible says, this is what you believe.

Lizard started this thread questioning how long a day actually is. Hence my comments that it is about an idea that is not in the Bible.
But then I must be wrong and you can quote me in the Bible where it says that 6 days could be different to 6 days as we know them now.

I think you have made it obvious that what is in the Bible is the truth and the word of God and not open to interpretation.
So you didn’t say or imply this ???
Does that mean that you believe that the Bible is full of both fiction and non-fiction ???

Why not respond to my post instead of ranting.

How many times have you said that the Earth was created in 6 days ?
This is what the Bible says, this is what you believe.

Lizard started this thread questioning how long a day actually is. Hence my comments that it is about an idea that is not in the Bible.
But then I must be wrong and you can quote me in the Bible where it says that 6 days could be different to 6 days as we know them now.

I think you have made it obvious that what is in the Bible is the truth and the word of God and not open to interpretation.
So you didn’t say or imply this ???
Does that mean that you believe that the Bible is full of both fiction and non-fiction ???

This thread asks a question which is bible related you thick……

I never said it wasn’t a Bible related question, I said it was an idea that is not in the Bible. And you still not have shown otherwise.
So show me where I said this isn’t a Bible related question ?
So show me where in the Bible the idea is?

How many times have you said that the Earth was created in 6 days ?
This is what the Bible says, this is what you believe.

Lizard started this thread questioning how long a day actually is. Hence my comments that it is about an idea that is not in the Bible.
But then I must be wrong and you can quote me in the Bible where it says that 6 days could be different to 6 days as we know them now.

As usual you just ignore the questions you don’t like.

I think you have made it obvious that what is in the Bible is the truth and the word of God and not open to interpretation.
So you didn’t say or imply this ???
Does that mean that you believe that the Bible is full of both fiction and non-fiction ???

And he agrees with ME and says YOUR wrong

I think I need to jump in here and define the thread. Phil is right, the intention of the thread was to determine what the Bible ment by 6 days and** how long a day may or may not be** in that context.

Ummmm isn’t this what I said ?

Lizard started this thread questioning how long a day actually is. Hence my comments that it is about an idea that is not in the Bible.

Where did I ever say “Man created Time”

where vulcan, where?

Do you remember calling me a liar ???

Well I am still waiting for you to show me…………………
Oh that’s right, you don’t bother addressing things when you know your wrong.

“Time was created by humans.”

Well despite the fact that Phil would rather make someone else explain this then proving anything himself, I believe that I have proven absolutely that time is a natural function of existance, an inherant part of the Universe itself. Until someone can take my arguements and break them down… peice by peice and tell me why they are wrong… At least we should not be working off of this premise.

“Time is a manner to piece together what we do in a logical fashion. It has no set “unit” of measurement.”

This is sort of misleading. It can be said to have no set unit of measure because we could call minutes blarks, and they could be equal to 66.4 seconds standard time… however the division of PI to produce a ratio will produce the same ratio no matter how you “slice” it. As such there is a sort of definitive measure of time.

Note: Phil. If you want to claim the bible is literal you are going to have to prove that. Again, those with extra ordinary claims much provide extra ordinary proof. The bible taken literaly is an extra ordinary claim. 6 days for creating all of existance is about as extra ordinary as you get.

Until then this is nothing but a cheap shot of censorship.

Yeah upuaut don’t you go censoring people just because you’re a moderator !

Shame shame shame….

Ummmm one thing,
Can you tell me the meaning of censorship, cause by my definition you didn’t censor anyone. :smiley: :smiley:

Phil… I am a mod here, and I am the creator of the Ordered forum. I think I know quite well what must be proven here. If you are unwilling to adhire to the boundaries set down by the ordered forum I ask you to take your conversations and wild theories to the random forum where they belong. I no longer have to catter to you in any way shape or form so do not push me… or you will find out what censorship is really about…

The claim that the universe always existed or was created through a big bang from which we have no previous point of reference is an accepted scientific theory. The idea that god created the universe in 6 days is not. If you don’t like that, tough. It is you who needs to prove it… not I.

I will censor you sir, If I feel that you are getting out of hand

again, I say do not push me.

as for “has anything ever been proven here.”

all I ask is that people make an effort to prove their assertions, or to state that there is no proof and it is simply a belief. Nothing else has ever been asked of anyone in this forum, except by you phil.

I have no problem with that.

If I make a statement and upuaut asks me to prove it I will do my best to explain why I have come to that conclusion.

My theory maybe right or it maybe wrong, but at least it will be based on science and not some book of fables written in a time when men were ignorant.

You can’t discuss anything because all you have is the Bible and the stories in it to back up your claim.
Where is your proof other than the book ?

Have you heard of carbon dating? How about astrophysics?

Both can show be used to gauge the age of the universe and man.

Where is your proof ? let me guess… its written in the bible.
And once again we come full circle. Prove that anything in the Bible is real.

There is no science on Earth that can because there is nothing factual in it.

PS ~ if this conversation turns into a phil ***** session I will be forced to start deleting posts to unrailroad this thread.

“dave’s hoops” This is the ordered forum. It’s a place for intellectual conversation on subjects. A) they are science’s hoops, not mine. and B) truely intellectual people jump at the chance to jump through these “hoops”. It is only those who have no support for their claims that hate having to prove things.

all that it implies.

I was gonna make a comment on this…… but……

How about this? You prove to me your wild claims about your big bang ‘theory’…

He doesn’t have to prove it, go buy any text book and you will find accepted scientific explanations.
You’re not asking him to prove his theory; you’re asking him to explain to you the validated works of hundreds of others.

Your post seems to show that since your a Mod your ideas are bigger and better than mine;
I don’t see that, all I see is his idea’s have a basis which can be substantiated.

Since Im now being threatened by you, I guess with banning
Your not being threatened, your being informed of the standards required, that if you don’t meet these standards your dribble will be censored. And I never saw anything about being banned.

You still haven’t addressed any of the questions I put to you. And you still haven’t proved I am a liar which is what you called me.
I guess you haven’t proved it because you can’t and know that you were wrong. But rather than admit you were wrong, like I do…. You just continue to ignore your unsubstantiated allegations even when being repeatedly called on it.

In any discussion though, it’s tough to argue against facts and research. Religion is just a personal issue - in my opinion, it can’t replace science when it comes to explaining the events of the world. Nobody is saying you are wrong, but when asked for facts, it would be nice to produce them. You are not the only one who gets asked for facts. I get asked for any links to backup my claims, and I would expect the same courtesy from others also. IE: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45450&perpage=15

This isn’t another everyone against you thread. Everybody gets asked to present evidence for their views. If you don’t have the evidence, you really shouldn’t bash or derail someone else for having views that do incorporate outside factual evidence.

EDIT: Do a google search, read any good science book, read any bad science book, you will find plenty of evidence for the big bang theory. Not to mention the views of Einstein, Hawking, etc. There is a whole branch of physics dealing with outer space and how it exists the way it does. The data they find isn’t made up.

EDIT2: This thread shouldn’t be derailed, and I wouldn’t mind if my post and the other off-topic posts were moved into a new thread or something similar where this can continue without interfering with the topic set by blindlizard.


If you can show any proof that what’s in the Bible is real then you will get my undivided attention in a heart beat.

Proof ?

How about Noah’s ark, this was a big big boat and one would expect that something of it may be left.

How about the Tower of Babble, I am sure if they built a building to the clouds then there would be some evidence of this.

If you can substantiate to me anything in the Bible then I would be more inclined to take the leap of faith and accept other parts of the Bible without proof.

But alas, science has provided mountains of evidence to prove it’s claims.
I have seen no evidence on the side of religion to show that anything in the Bible is factual.

Now admittedly while not all scientific theories are accepted as fact, they have plenty of evidence to suggest that they maybe.

I agree with Kirupa that this thread should be split and returned to what Blindlizard started it as.

There was evening and morning, the 6th day. Thus it defines in the very sentence what is meant; Evening, morning. = in this case a day, but specifically the 6th day in this verse;

Evening and morning = roughly 24 hours;

Sorry but again you claim to have offered proof but you haven’t.
All you have done is quoted the Bible.

I have asked you before and I will ask you again, where is your proof that when God created man, 1 day = 24 hours.

Show me anywhere in the Bible that states 1 day = 24 hours.

If you show me this !
I will retract everything I have said on the subject.
If you can’t show me this then accept you have proven nothing !