I was warned by David not to push him too far; Yet I didn’t do anything wrong;
you are being argumentative, insulting to individuals, and are certainly taking this thread far too personaly.
I’m not even going to touch upon the other stuff in your post as it is irrelivant to the conversation at hand. Again… if you continue with irrelvancies I will delete your threads without hesitation. Stick to the subject at hand. Time and the biblical interpretation of such.
Prove to me your claims; Prove to me the big bang theory, I guess the new officially sanctioned heresay of kirupaforum.com. At least it sure came across that way, yet he was only speaking for himself, right?
you asked me to prove this too… but you obviously didn’t read what I wrote.
The claim that the universe always existed or was created through a big bang from which we have no previous point of reference is an accepted scientific theory. The idea that god created the universe in 6 days is not.
Where in that statement does it say that the big bang is correct, truthful, or absolute? It doesnt’ Phil. READ BEFORE YOU POST.
Phil ~
"Creation is the accepted norm David; more people believe in Creation than evolution; Thus your ‘theory of evolution’ is eztraordinary and the brden of proof therefore falls on you, thus making my opinion and theory the ‘correct’ one by default;
6 billion Chinese people would argue against that premise Phil Learn your facts.
The point is David can’t prove his opinions, and I can’t prove mine. Yet it is only ME who is being DEMANDED to produce proof of mine and jump through the peppered question hoops;
again… I ask that you ATTEMPT to prove you assertions. Proof is an illusion and we all know that perfectly well. Nothing that is text on a computer screen is proof of anything. But some people offer up possible explinations and other people point at works of fiction, and occationaly someone will offer up an experiment which might be real proof of something. As for only you…, Reverend and I regularly make Vulcan jump through hoops. READ THE FORUM BEFORE MAKING UNFOUNDED ACCUSATIONS
David has never once, in a single post proven evolution to be a fact; So, am I to assume it is off limits for him to discuss according to his new rules?
No… it’s not. I’ll discuss what I want in any thread which relates to the subject at hand. Likewise I have always said that evolution was a theory and not a fact… just as I fully realise that reality itself is a theory, and not a fact. I have however detailed the reason why scientists have used the word fact in reference to this theory in past threads. Simply put… the word fact to a scientist means something a little different than it means to the rest of us. It is a misinterpretation due to poor communication skills on the part of scientists which has led down this road where people believe evolution is a fact in a common sense of the word. I find it sad that I have to explain this again and again and again. I HAVE NEVER SAID EVOLUTION WAS FACT.
And I can’t prove creation as a fact; Does this mean the discussion is no longer allowed as David says? Because that is what hes saying;
No that’s not what it means. It means that you will be taken to accounts every time you claim that creationism is a fact, just as I would take any schmuck to accounts who claimed that evolution was a fact. I have not heard one person say that so far Phil… but hey… you don’t need proof for creationism so why should you need proof for your slander in here?
I did what their side do to the creationists; I peppered them with questions demanding they prove what they say; The very thing they continually demand of me, and the creation side; And look how quick they got upset. Is what it comes down to is faith; For either side as we have often concluded in the past. Yet for one side to demand now that the other side of ‘faith’ prove their claims, is disingenuous, and unfair; And David is wrong about evolution; It didn’t happen, and it doesn’t matter hopw many scientists he can get to say otherwise; Because as I said above, it doesn’t rely on science at all, for either side, but rather faith. and neither side can prove what they say, thus for one side to demand something which they themselves cannot produce is sheer hypocrisy and eltism.
Phil we have all taken science classes. If you want me to detail every scientific discovery which has led people to the conclusion tht the earth is older than 5000 years, or that evolution is the best example of a workable theory detailing how we came to be, you’re simply not going to get it from me. I can only do my best in such things… The ordered forum, to me, is not about having absoute proof of anything, but about being honest in one’s assertions… honest to others and honest to one’s self.
It is my opinion that you are the one upset… not myself, or Vulcan, or anyone else in here. No one other than you has railroaded this thread away from course… no one other than you is *****ing for every detail that science can provide. This thread has become a problem for you and I suggest you take your opinions elsewhere. All of these none related posts will be deleted and moved by morning I assure you. If you want to continue to complain about the ordered forum, my actions, or the opinions of management, I suggest that you take it up via private PM or Email. None of it will be tolerated here.