What is a day in reference to the Bible?

We have gone around before about what 6 days really was in reference to creation. I thought it might be due its own thread.

Yesterday at my son’s cub scout meeting they were making party decorations. The dinosaur stickers were a big hit. One of the kids had drawn some mountains and was putting the dinosaurs in them. I was joking with him and said, “where are the ski lifts?”. We all started talking about how there we no humans when there were dinosaurs, and then his mom jumped in and said, “remember <<child’s name here>> dinosaurs and people were created on the same day, day 6.” On that note we all stopped the discussion becuase that wasn’t the time or place.

Now that got me thinking. I don’t believe that humans and dinosaurs were alive at the same time. However, I find many people do usually based on the 6 day creation theory. I was going to bed last night and had a vision about the make up of the universe. I have said before that “space” as we know it could be a shepre that all we know is inside of. However, I never eally thought about it beyond that. Well what if “space” were a sphere and with that orbited around its own object like Earth does to the sun? It could rotate on its own axes like the Earth, hence a day. Because before the Earth was created what would a day be? We see a day as one revolution of the Earth, or 24 hours.

I tried to draw a picture of what I am talking about however that spot in my brain where artistic ability should be, I believe has been replaced with cotton candy.

The yellow circle is the sun, the small red circle is Earth. The grey area is what we know of space, and the blue circle is what space obits around. The black lines just show the orbiting path.

I also found a couple of passages in the Bible that show that time may be viewed differently to God:

Psalm 90:4
For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

The time it takes to rotate space sould be a thousad or a million years as we know it. This would give plenty of time to create Earth and the dinosaurs and kill off the dinosaurs etc…

2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Well I don’t know what context this was taken from, but if I had to interpret this I would have taken it as loving the lord is eternal. Nothing to do with actual days persay.

Don’t you have anything better to do than come harrass me?
Chin up !
I think he has a crush on you, I can just see him chasing you around the playground trying to play catch and kiss with you. :smiley:

Excuse me while I attempt to burn that image out of my retinas.
Anyone got a lighter? :red:

If he weren’t so stubborn and narrow minded, I might even like him…

yet everything that is even remotely directed at him becomes a drama… hey, who does that sound like? Maybe Lizzie is a MetroSexual!


Let us make man in our image, in our likeness

Well according to Phil we must take what is said as accurate. And according to this line, there must be a race of Gods or something. “let us make man in our image, our likeness” Who is our ? Shouldn’t it have read “let me make man in my image” ? and in our likeness implies that we are made like our Gods, that we must be similar to them.

Evening and morning = roughly 24 hours;

Well prove to me that when God created man the Earths orbit was exactly as it is today ! Cause if it was different then 1 day wouldn’t = 24 hours. Hence the point of this topic.
And there is no reason for you to concern yourself because Lizzard is not questioning that everything was created in 6 days. He is only possing the possibility that 6 days then, may not have = 6 days as we know them now.
Correct me if I am wrong Lizard.

I really don’t know what all the fuss is about.

That’s because you totally accept what is written in the Bible and choose to be ignorant to anything that contradicts your views.
I have had priests tell me that you don’t take the Bible word for word, that some of it is just made up, ie: Tower of Babble, that this is just a story and your supposed to be looking at the moral to the story, not the story itself.
Funny priests don’t take the Bible as describing factual events but Phil does. According to Phil what is said to have happened in the Bible happened and is not open to interpretation, it is not just a story, it describes actual events.

the electron idea is good david, but who’s to say that you can compare the state of a stopped electron to the state of a moving electron…

if you view said electron and then compare it to the other electron and calculate based of the other’s coordinates then how could you say that “time” has indeed past, when it is nothing more than a measurement on state?

also- everything is constantly moving…there are no “perfectly still” states of being.

I know you can say well this electron i stopped wasn’t moving…

that doesn’t mean something called “time” happened.

Time is a manner to piece together what we do in a logical fashion. It has no set “unit” of measurement.

We take the “states” of matter and put them into our own classfication continuum and then make observations based on a controlled environment.

It’s hard to say all of this like I want to without making this forever and a erm…day… long.
I’m on the way out the door though.

speaking of states…david, who needs wyoming haha :wink:

Time is a manner to piece together what we do in a logical fashion. It has no set “unit” of measurement.

Time was created by humans, not the other way around.

You guys really should read: Thief of Time, by Terry Pratchett. Good book. If I remember correctly, this genius clock maker makes a clock to tell time perfectly, and it ends up completly stopping time altogether since you can’t measure something without altering it, and then some guys have to save the universe from existing out-of-time. It’s great.

I was actually making a quote. I just left off the tags… <edit><edit>
I can’t say for certain, either way, but I’ve read/seen/thought things enough to give me enough information to argue either point, at least, in my head… putting it into words is a bit harder… :beam:

Now, I’m not trying to start any debates, or anything, nor am I trying to say “Your belief is WRONG! MINE is RIGHT!”, in fact, I despise that kind of attitude, I do respect all beliefs, and hold no hard feelings towards anyone who wants to continue to follow their own beliefs, but what I do not respect, is someone who does so without thinking about it, and blindly follows their faith because they were “told to”… I want everyone to take a look around, read, and learn, and then come to a conclussion on what they beleive, but not close out any possibility of something else coming along to change their minds, but sometimes learning all you can will help strengthen your faith, and I say that can be the best thing ever.

Just expressing my ideas/feelings… not so much on any one side… I’m reading each post, balancing them carefully in my head, and while I agree with just about everything each side is saying, I’m only trying to help everyone’s thought process along, in a way that they can piece their own ideas together. I’m in no way trying to coerce, or force an opinion on anyone. :beam:
I picture the human mind as sort of a giant sponge, that is constantly being filled with information, and every once in a while given a good squeeze, and whatever moisture is left in the sponge is that person’s ideals/beliefs/faith/etc. I think an ocasional healthy, and civil debate can help the sponge out a little… :slight_smile:


No, YOU prove to me EVERYTHING you say; See how that werks?

hu ??? What do you want me to prove to you Phil ?
You’re the one that stated that;

“Evening and morning = roughly 24 hours;”

Do you want me to prove your own claims to you ?
All I said was it may have been different when God created man. You prove it wasn’t since your claiming otherwise.

What claims did I make ?

You stated to take the word of the Bible as absolute.
You quoted:
“Let us make man in our image, in our likeness”
I questioned does that mean there are a race of Gods. I made no statement there.
Obviously as always you choose to ignore your own comments rather than address them.

I stated that a priest told me that not all the Bible is to be taken as factual, that parts are just stories to teach morals.

Do you want me to go back to my high school that I left 15years ago and find out what priests came to give classes and then try to find out which one may have had me and then track him down and have him come on here and tell you the same thing ?
That’s what it would require to prove it.
But even then you wouldn’t believe that it was the priest that told me that.

No one else is questioning my honesty and asking me to prove that a priest actually said that to me.

ok, about the “us” thing… it may well be something to do with the translation, as hebrew/greek are very different to english. Also, it’s a Christian belief that God is one being but also 3 beings at once, so that COULD explain it.
And yes, we are made in the likeness of God, but we stuff up…

the bible isn’t always meant to be taken literally (i.e the parables are made up stories used as illustrations from Jesus) but other events that are described actually did happen… I don’t know what your priest was talking about when he said it’s just a story. Most of the time it’s not open to interpretation, but at the same time, we’re not just meant to read it and say “what a nice story”, you still DO look at the moral behind it :slight_smile:

I was making a point at your expense;

You said “time was created by man” in an absolute, You made an absurd claim which cannot be proven

Now prove it-

or retract that claim;

Ummmmm sorry Phil what page are you on ?

Never mind, your not even reading the same book as me.

  1. You quoted me, then asked me to prove it.
  2. I pointed out that you made the claim, did you expect me to prove your own claim for you.
  3. You say I made an absurd claim and again ask me to prove it….

Well Phil,
So far you have asked me to prove a claim that you made.
And now you have called a claim made by someone else absurd and asked me to prove it to you.

Ummmmm…. Pfft I don’t know what to say…… I am dumb founded that you would ask me to prove your own claims and those of others to you.

And as such I am not surprised that yet again you have failed to address your previous comments.

and if that attitude pisses you off, then imagine how I and others feel when these same cheap infantile tactics are used against us;

What attitude ? being asked to prove other people claims ?
Ha ha ha ha :smiley: :smiley:

I don’t know what your priest was talking about when he said it’s just a story.

It was referring to the Tower of Babble.

I said that it was stupid, that there is no way they could have made a building up into the clouds.

That we can do that now and go higher but God doesn’t punish us.

He said that it didn’t actually happen; it was a story to teach some moral about us not trying to met God. That we have to accept him, and have faith in him without ever seeing him.

Then lets not mention that it was the punishment for this that explains why people look so different, and speak different languages.

I was anserwing his question, one at a time please. I will get to yours Phil. Unlike you I don’t avoid things when I don’t like them. :slight_smile:

My bad,
You posted this directly under mine asking me to prove your quote. I took it as your response to mine.

I was making a point at your expense;

You said “time was created by man” in an absolute, Im right, your wrong kind of attitude; So, in treating opposition as I have been treated by them, I rudely asked and demanded you now prove to me what you dared to write on the bb; and take all the hours and research and cataloguing of information, to PROVE to me your claim that man created time;

You made an absurd claim which cannot be proven, so Ive been told a thousand times before; And then demanded by those same others I ‘Prove’ what I say; I demand the same of you; You made an absurd claim that time was created by man;

Now prove it-

or retract that claim;

I now see that it was directed at SeiferTim and you were asking him to prove an idea that he already stated was just an expression of his ideas/feelings

And where did I ever say what you just said I said; That man created time…?
I never said that you said it, I said that someone else said it and that you were asking me to prove it….

Where did I ever say “Man created Time”

where vulcan, where?
As I said above I don’t recall saying that you said it. I said that someone else said it and that you wanted me to prove it.

Now that I have admitted I was wrong, and that your second request for proof was directed at SeiferTim not me.
Pehaps you can show me where I said that you said “Man created Time” since you have called me a liar.

Oh and I am still waiting for you to address my previous questions to you.

In response to your new posts, please show me where you have directed a question at me and I will answer it.

Unlike you I try to answer every question that is put to me and don’t just ignore the ones I don’t want to answer.

[Deleted by myself]

Ha ha ha……

You pointed out that your comment posted directly under mine was directed at seifertim.

I admitted that it was my bad and that I was wrong for thinking it was directed at me.
And I thankyou you for correcting me. :slight_smile:

in case you might wonder in the future why I ignore your silly, illogical questions; Use this as a reference;


You accuse me of not answering your questions, I say show me where?

You say I said, that you said “Man created Time” that I am a liar; I say show me where?

I say you are the one that doesn’t answer questions put to you !

Your response, run away make some smart remarks……

I am man enough to address every question you put to me, and even admit when I am wrong.

Shame that you too are not man enough, but then I didn’t expect you to be.
Guess its harder to address someone than ban them.
And when you can’t do that you run.
Fine by me.

This thread is way way way too volatile to do any good.

funny you say they don’t work with you but you keep comming back. :smiley:

Why not just address the questions I put to you, as I addressed the questions you put to me, instead of just more of your ranting.

"prove what you say about me or don’t say it"
I don’t have to prove it, your own actions do. :smiley:

"Gossip and slander"
I think I have showed great restraint and have not taken advantage of the situation. I am sure if were the other way around, you would not have shown such restraint.

This thread is way way way too volatile to do any good.

Nah it’s not volatile, it’s just gotten childish since a certain someone turned up.

It was all fine while**

were talking about things in a civil manner……

Not that I am saying I am innocent, it does take to 2 tango.

Me and Phil have history together…. It’s a love hate relationship between us. I love him, he hates me.

Funny that, he is the devoted Christian and you would think as such that forgiveness and understanding come high on his list of priorities.

you would also think that BlindLizzard would be open to new ideas, or that he would have the same definition of the word “literal” as all other english speaking people, but that is just logic thinking, not reality…

him being a devoted Christian as well… a true Christian (unlike those Mormons, et. al.) if I remember correctly…

so… Ordered becomes a bunch of stubborn people arguing about stuff they are passionate about, but rarely ever get the others to look at their point of view.
