[WIP] Portfolio/Website Concept

I’ve been thinking about redesigning my website for a while now, and I’ve just got around to doing that. This is the current concept. Please be honest, I can take it. :smiley: Thanks!

it seems plane, it loads something in and drops a bit for some reason

not hot on the horizontal scrolly thing, theres a lot of sites with vertical big scrolly things which looks good

“horizontal scrolly thing”? You’ve lost me. What loads in and drops a bit? It might be your browser just loading the white image for the gallery section.

think the top image should be on the left,

the scrolly thing is the gallery :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s very web 2.0ish…but that’s fine. Only thing is you need to learn about how to space out your website elements. Right now, it’s way too squished together. Also, the content text could be tweaked to be much smaller, and again spacing. Finally, the gradient underneath the gallery is too strong.

Look up some stuff like: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/04/23/5-principles-and-ideas-of-setting-type-on-the-web/

Looks very ummm, common and unrefined. Unrefined of course due to it being a WIP though :lol:.

I appreciate what you’re trying to do w/ only using system fonts, like in your name / logo hit, but the problem w/ that is that a PC will just plain destroy the prettiness of that font since it has no concept of aliasing.

I think that the over use of blues makes the site look very dull. Is there a specific reason you were keeping with only using blues.

Also, is there a reason why you are using ginormous fonts everywhere? To me they just fall apart in this specific layout.

Isn’t that why ems and percents exist?

[quote=simplistik;2350156]Looks very ummm, common and unrefined. Unrefined of course due to it being a WIP though :lol:.

I appreciate what you’re trying to do w/ only using system fonts, like in your name / logo hit, but the problem w/ that is that a PC will just plain destroy the prettiness of that font since it has no concept of aliasing.

I think that the over use of blues makes the site look very dull. Is there a specific reason you were keeping with only using blues.

Also, is there a reason why you are using ginormous fonts everywhere? To me they just fall apart in this specific layout.[/quote]

I don’t like this line:

"What I can do for you.

Not much right now. I’m currently swamped with work. But if you really think I’m the right guy for the job, contact me and we’ll talk about it."

Makes me wonder why you even have a website if you’re too busy to accept any work.

I’ve already told you I liked it, but since you’ve added some stuff I might as well re-critique it here:

I like the layout and concept.
I like the big fonts above the fold type thing, BUT below that the text should be a bit smaller
Make the margin between the two columns a bit larger

[quote=Awesome-O 4000;2350167]I don’t like this line:

"What I can do for you.

Not much right now. I’m currently swamped with work. But if you really think I’m the right guy for the job, contact me and we’ll talk about it."

Makes me wonder why you even have a website if you’re too busy to accept any work.[/quote]
I know the copy isn’t that great, I just came up with it off the top of my head and wanted to see how different lengths of text would work. I’m not actually swamped with work. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=Theros;2350149]It’s very web 2.0ish…but that’s fine. Only thing is you need to learn about how to space out your website elements. Right now, it’s way too squished together. Also, the content text could be tweaked to be much smaller, and again spacing. Finally, the gradient underneath the gallery is too strong.

Look up some stuff like: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/04/23/5-principles-and-ideas-of-setting-type-on-the-web/[/quote]
Reworking all the text and spacing has been at the top of my list, and I am going to improve it. I’ll also try to make the gradient less strong to see if it looks better.

[quote=simplistik;2350156]Looks very ummm, common and unrefined. Unrefined of course due to it being a WIP though :lol:.

I appreciate what you’re trying to do w/ only using system fonts, like in your name / logo hit, but the problem w/ that is that a PC will just plain destroy the prettiness of that font since it has no concept of aliasing.

I think that the over use of blues makes the site look very dull. Is there a specific reason you were keeping with only using blues.

Also, is there a reason why you are using ginormous fonts everywhere? To me they just fall apart in this specific layout.[/quote]
The main reason I used just blues is because I really like blue, but if you think a bigger range of color is necessary, I might try putting in some greens.

I used the ginormous fonts to draw attention (Or so I hoped.) I will try to reduce the size of them some as well as adjust margins and paddings (Like I mentioned previously.).

I hope to have WIP v2 done for you guys’ critiques by tomorrow. Thanks again for your advice.

lol. Oh. Good then.

Ok, I finally got around to working on this again. I did reduce some of the font sizes as well as increasing the padding between the different elements. I also tried alternating colors between sections. :smiley:

Home (index.html)

I’m still working on tweaking the greens, so bear with me.

The padding still isn’t there…you need to work on spacing out your elements.