Yay? or nay...?

Ahhhhhhhhh, thank you thank you thank you for toning down the red - looks kick butt, no pun intended.

How serious of a site is this? If you want a really professional, cut and dry, no fun site then lose the banana. If you don’t mind a site that says you can be quirky and don’t mind a little laugh at your own expense then keep the banana - it would make a great “contact me” button. Personally I like the little splash of color it adds to the site - keeps it from getting monotonous.

Yeah, I would change the monkey to make it more your own style. Make it match the katate dude! He’s got a lot of angles - make the monkey match. Add some monkey noises (don’t overdo it).


did my own monkey logo in illustrator… any more thoughts? :beam:

hhmmm…that is not what I envisioned for the monkey but it is your site. You should have tried to go the same style as the clip art monkey you used earlier. Not this creates unbalance on 2 fronts. Bot color and depth. You monkey has a psuedo 3d look. While everything else is 2d. Also your colors were pointing to a monotone kinda look (or 2 color) now you have introdced a bunch of funky colors. I think you took some steps backwards on this one. But keep trying this is what design is about.

I agree - if you are using a ‘cutout’ approach for the karate dude then use that for the monkey too.


took out colour… i prefer my monkey to the cutout…to me it gives your eye something to focus on…

Okay. But if I may - I prefer the one karate guy with the monkey on the side. Asymmetry adds another level. :wink:

btw thanks for the help :slight_smile: ooops drop shadow not meant to be there…

lose the drop shadow. I think I see what you need to focus on. Consistancy. Right now with the drop shadow you are playing tricks with the persons eyes. Too many planes and 3d objects. I think you should stay flat, but it seems you want to pop everything out. Which is cool just make sure you do it right. And the karate dude should have some rework to it. I almost looks like 3 differents artists had a hand in this.

Try this also. Have one of the monkies ears in the circle and one out. To me it seems you are attempting to pop you graphics off the page. I think that may help. I dont think the monkey is a very strong brand either. Maybe rework it a bit.

i think im taking what you are saying in…

getting better. Now this is nit-picking and just the 3d side of me coming out. But use the other ear for the poking out. Because of the way the monkey’s head tilted. Also I liked the main text resting were the red/gray meet with the smaller text under where the re gray meet. Makes for a lil more balance…it is coming along nicely.

im so tired!! :slight_smile:

actually, I have an idea or twade.

lol…copper. That is what I was trying to get Billy to do. As far as the text and blending the dude. But maybe you should blend the karate dude across the grey as well. Now that use of the banana is pretty clever and funny. GJ

:lol: coppertop!

that reminds me of a tv series here called banzai… that banana is gonna be used somewhere tho… maybe a preloader!

thank you, thank you. The banana idea came when I saw his hand and I thought “gee, that banana would fit nicely there”

billy - I think you should switch the monkey logo and karate guy around (that is, if you really want to keep the monkey. Personally, I wouldn’t keep it. It doesn’t really fit and it looks a little… eurgh.) And again I think you should put the “industrial design >> …” part below the “artofmonkey” as I did.

Aside from that, I think it’s nearly there! :thumb:

please blend the dude thru the grey…just for me pleez…lol. It is coming along. I really like coppers concepts especially the banana one. But this is your site so run with it.

The monkey looks kinda demonic and tormented. Not a good logo.

[ot]Now I remember Banzai! That was a great show! So it MXC! (Most extreme elimination challenge!) What awesome shows. Especially MXC! I laugh my self sick everytime I watch that show![/ot]

Agreed. DDD put it better than I could - the monkey looks possesed.

i dont understand, havent i done that?

okay… i did the banana in the guys hand and it looks quirky… i def want to try and get the essence of banzai in this, so i have altered the monkey and i rekon it looks more ‘crazy kung fu monkey’ than ‘demonic monkey’! what do you think…

not sure whether them guy and the banana should be used in a different section, it looks a bit cluttered…
