Netscape 7... Anyone tried it?

Well in the Microsoft world, it’d be a Barb Wire fence hehe jk =)




I use Mozilla. It works flawlessly with my Mac and is the lesser of evil (in my experience) under Windows. It’s based on Netscape, I believe. Other than that, I haven’t tried Netscape since version 4.

from what I understand, Mozilla and NS are virtually the same…=)


Yep… doesn’t Netscape run off the mozilla engine?

thats what I understand…:nerd:


Anyone that uses netscape… put this in your address bar


It is rumoured to be some kind of joke about mozilla causing the blue screen of death, but I don’t really know exactly what it is.

I just did that with Mozilla and got this:

And the beast shall be made legion. Its numbers shall
be increased a thousand thousand fold. The din of a
million keyboards like unto a great storm shall cover
the earth, and the followers of Mammon shall tremble.

from The Book of Mozilla, 3:31

(Red Letter Edition)

Now is this Mozilla or Netscape? Is it a crack against IE and Bill Gates?

Been using Mozilla for several months now and I never got the Blue Screen of Death but that could be a Windows 2K thing.


"And the beast shall be made legion. Its numbers shall be increased a thousand thousand fold. The din of a million keyboards like unto a great storm shall cover the earth, and the followers of Mammon shall tremble.
from The Book of Mozilla, 3:31
(Red Letter Edition) "


I like Netscape 7, but I find IE to be my preference. I’ve been using it for a while and it is simple; I don’t even use any of my browser’s features with the exception of the excellent free e-mail program Outlook Express. Besides, it used to be that each program had major differences. Nowadays, both Netscape and IE support similar technologies with the exception of Netscape unable to do transparent things in Flash :frowning:

It’s all about personal preference moreso than any nifty feature - at least that is what I see. I maybe wrong though.

Kirupa :sleep:

Yes, I agree it is personal preference as far as using it goes.

Coding in them are 2 different things though :stuck_out_tongue: :evil: (just being difficult, don’t mind me)

I agree Lostinbeta…:evil:

but we have to pay attention to what the client wants:x :x

dad-blasted money anyway:bandit:


True that too :evil:

&!^#&%!#^$&(@^#*$% money!!! :scream:

anybody know any wealthy single women who wants a mature boy-toy who can cook, and isn’t afraid of “doing the windows?”:stuck_out_tongue:
