Uuuhh... (?)

me b sick 2…

Aliens do exist…

just look at my footer… proof!

besides, my g/f is a card carrying redient-alien… (don’t make her mad, she’ll vaporize you)

Eilsoe: get some rest buddy, lots of liquids, lots of Vitamin C, wash your hands a lot (you will reinfect yourself by touching the phone, then your mouth or eyes), along with the phone, keyboard, mouse, etc…

in short, we miss your upbeat SPAM!


I will, I will… :slight_smile:

You know that feeling of your joints aching?

Just when you’re sick…

I can help you become healed Eilsoe, for I am a wise old man… :asian:

One of these pills will heal you, but whcih do you choose? The red… or the blue pill?


  • Soul :goatee:
    (there is no spoon)

I’m over 40…

I feel that every day! :trout:


the red one, the RED ONE!!! :beam:


show me how deep the rabbit hole goes :bad:

For the Record…

Phil does not believe in any form of alien life. We had a loooong discussion about this at his forums.

I believe that there is life on other planets, but I doubt that they have ever made contact with our planet, nor even if they knew of our existence would they want to make contact.

The pyramids were created by humans. Without any type of intervention of a more advanced race. All they are is huge blocks. If you have enough ‘slaves’ (they werne’t all slaves but I’ll get back to that…) then you can pull any size block. They had ramps and stuff. The Egyptians were a very intelligent and advanced race. Their empire lasted for over 3000 years. Longer than even the Roman Empire…

The whole rumor probably got started by some whacked out X-Files freak who thinks his mother is an alien going, “Woah… Those pyramids are huge… I couldn’t build one of those. Aliens must have helped the Egyptains.” There is even one scientist who believes that the Egyptians had power tools. Personally I think people like this are crazy. Human culture and technology has been a stead uphill climb… it always has been, and it always will be.

This guys only evidence was that the inside of a sarcophagus was to .02 of an inch in its smoothness… Yeah well, the Egyptians were also mathematicians and heavy laborers with advanced tools (not power tools) and technologies. If you gave me a bunch of sand paper, 20 slaves, and 4 days, I am sure that I would be able to sand that rock down to .02 of an inch also.

Ok, a quick word on Egyptian society:

The Egyptian’s whole culture ran predominantly on the tribute system. This is a system in which there is no real tax, but instead every month or so you are required to donate part of your income, crop, or time to the Pharoah. These people worshiped and loved the Pharoah. To them, he/she was God. They did whatever they were told to do and they enjoyed it because they were pleasing the Pharoah. Part of this tribute was the construction of the pyramids. Instead of crops or money, the people would donate their time and do work for the Pharoah.

The Egyptians did keep many slaves, and they too worked on the Pyramids. However, most people’s assumptions is that the Egyptians forced all of the slaves to work for them, and it was only because of slave labor that the pyramids were ever completed. While many slaves did work on the pyramids, regular citizens did too.

Crop Circles:

Crop Circles are a crock of . And that one with the freakin alien?! What the hell is that all about!? First off, the circles are supposed to be from their “ship” so now they have a ship in the shape of the common Human interpretation of how they are supposed to look!? Thats bull

Jubs :goatee:

pokes Jubba

Oh by the way Eilsoe, you chose red?

You are now healed, and also slightly high. :goatee:

Another successful healing from Soul Healing Inc. :bounce:

  • Soul :goatee:

that is the biggest proof of aliens existence for me.

An island populated only by gigantic monoblock stone heads, made of a kind of stone that doesn´t exist on that island.
And even today, we don´t have any form of transport capable to leave those ‘heads’ there.

Good reading material: ‘Gods Were Astronauts’ - Erich Von Daniken


the Moai (large stone heads) on Easter Island were carved from a quarry on the island.

It has even been dramatized how they cut down all of the trees on the island to make rollers for the blocks to be moved upon… by scientists and archeologists no less…

when was that book published BTW?

just curious :geek:


i believe you… but the book says otherwise…:-\

that book is old, i don´t know the exact date, but i read it more than ten years now.

And this book is filled with scientific facts that prove the existence of a higher culture in the pre-historic days…
Awesome book.

I’ve seen the quarry, I’ve seen the unfinished Moai, the ramps used to transport the stones… all on TV, but I’ve seen it none the less…

Just another cult trying to push their ideas… forgetting to include certain facts, distorting others…

Who does that sound like?

:pope: :pope: :pope: :pope:


LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

you talking about religion… a REV!!!

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s the rub…

I’m an Agnostic Minister…

:whistle: :whistle:

go figger…



“Aliens created me!”

Wow! Look at me! I’m like a… a… a topical pixel factory!

I was quite proud of my easter island statue! :beam:

  • Soul :goatee:

can i use that on the taming of phin thang? huh? :wink:

Certainly, as long as you put me in there! :beam:

  • Soul :goatee:

love the new look eilsoe…


::shakes his head sadly::

I’m not sure what to say to you guys. I can certainly prove Phil wrong, and I’ve done so already. Alien just means different… nothing more nothing less. There are illegal aliens in our country for example. Likewise if God exists, then he is an alien. (he’s just about the most alien thing there can be.) As well, we’ve found a rock from Mars with some sign of life in it. That’s alien too.
Extra-terrestrial? Now that’s another story… but again, we have God, and the mars rock which both prove the existance of extra-terrestrial life forms.
Alone in the Universe?.. that’s just silliness. No one who doesn’t take the bible literaly believes that. If your a scientist you simply cannot say such a thing with a straight face, and here’s why. The Universe is infinite, or so it seems. That means that there is an infinite number of planets. Even if only one in thirty billion kazillion trillion etc planet contains life then we’ve already proven that there are many many planets with life out there. (and amazingly we have two planets in a single solar system which have been proven to contain life.) Only a literal translation of the bible has EVER contradicted that point. The fact is, out of the entire planet, the amount of people who believe in the bible literaly, is very small. So sorry Phil… but you’re in the minority, and you have absolutely no evidence to support your claim that we are alone in the universe. You can’t burst someone’s dreams with another dream… and that’s all your faith is. Sorry to burst your dream.

Crop circles. I have little doubt that the majority of these, (especially the ones with very complex circles and or lines passing from one circle to another) are hoaxs. I’m not sure mind you… no one can be… but that’s the impression I get. I do believe that the origional crop circles, which have been showing up since the age of the Roman Empire, are most certainly real, and very likely a result of a natural electromagnetic effect inside our planet. That is neither difficult to happen, or unlikely as we’ve already proven that the planet is sarounded in and out by various perceived and nonperceived energy.

Bigfoot - I find it amazing that one man steps forward saying that he’s been hoaxing, and all of a sudden no one believes in these creatures. One man from Washington state is not responsible for thousands of sightings from all corners of the world (including the high mountains of China and Russia) which have taken place for two thousand years now. The Yeti for instance is well documented in China. It’s considered a fact… not a rumor. One man was hoaxing the bigfoot story… but that doesn’t mean that bigfoot is a hoax.

Most of the time the answers are very simple, and not at all supernatural… it doesn’t mean that they are any less interesting however. :slight_smile:

The pyramids: ooo one of my favorites… I have many theory, none of which are provable at all. I would say that the most likely senario currently given, is the idea of a large mass of slaves led by extremely intelligent architects.
Less likely, but not impossible is the idea of a secret knowledge, currently lost to us, which would allow us to move heavy objects as if they were much lighter. This theory comes from the notes of those who spoke with the builder of Coral Castle in Florida.
My father makes an interesting point. If the builders of the pyramid had gigantic iron cranes, they could have done much of the “impossible” work. The cranes would of course be so much rust by now. Even he does not believe this, but makes the point that currently there is no way of knowing the truth and any amount of speculation on the matter is simply that… speculation. It certainly is amazing that they built them… but we should be more interested in the lessons that are in them than the mystery of how they are built. The mathmatics involved are much more interesting at least to me.