Curious to see what you all are up to and/or looking forward to over the next year?
(cc @senocular, @krilnon, @tbo, @travis, @steve.mills, @TheCanadian )
Curious to see what you all are up to and/or looking forward to over the next year?
(cc @senocular, @krilnon, @tbo, @travis, @steve.mills, @TheCanadian )
I truly wish more vanilla and less weight to everybody.
And a great 2025 to you all!
I feel like it is a losing battle. Nobody seems to care too much about a few hundred extra KBs here and there.
Which is a shame. Weird enough, they probably are in the front row of who want to fight climate change.
Strange world.
I’ve been on parental leave for a few weeks, and I spent way less time on my computer than I expected too. Frankly, in the new year I hope to continue that trend, spending time with the family, being grounded in the real world has been a welcome change.
I’m hoping to write a book, I have several ideas and manuscripts on the go but I made a resolution to finish one!
We may finally make good on our goal of keeping bees, there is a lot to learn but it should be a fun project.
From a work perspective, I’m likely going to be doing a lot more Ruby and TypeScript. Hoping to keep my finger on Elixir in my personal projects but I think getting some production Ruby and TS experience will be good on the resume. What are you doing @kirupa
Last year I rode a few hours in driverless cars; a wholesome part of it was that the system refers to me by my internet handle when I get onboard rather than Firstname Lastname.
I don’t know what new things in 2025 will be like that, but more where you can see how we got there (technology-wise) and you also appreciate it would be nice.
I did just a few rides in Waymo when I was in SF for work, and that was a really magical experience. Being driven from the backseat without a driver was quite something
Same old same old…
On the work front, I’ve been fully immersed in the AI-assistive development space. I was the founding member of the IDX team (and wrote the initial proposal for getting this started!) where we blend AI-assistance deeper into professional development workflows:
On the life front, my daughter is growing up too fast haha. We’ve been taking a lot of family vacations and just making the most of the time available before she is off to college in about 11 years!
I’ve been flat out .
We’ve shifted house across 2 states and started building a house on our block of land.
I then broke my ankle on Friday so I’m on crutches for a month.
Nothing really interesting dev wise just more vanilla
Wow! That’s really exciting about building a house on a block of land. When I think of Australia, shifting two states is pretty much the equivalent of going cross country across the US
Bummer about the ankle. How did you break it?
Slipped off the side of the moving truck lift ramp.
Its ironic that’s what got me…
I just felled 5 large dead pine trees on the house block and it gets a bit dicey when the tree drops
Still coding in unity for a map company
Remote work
Lots of boating in the summer
No robot car rides for me yet, but my last Uber driver might have been weird enough to pass as one.
I haven’t added any 3D humanoid characters to a anything for probably 2 years. But I was just watching some videos on AI prompt characters to 3D to rigged animations… Super fun and easy stuff. I might play with that soon.
If I were senocular, a well-known developer and Adobe Flash/Animate expert, in 2025, I’d probably be:
What do you think—does that sound like what senocular would be up to? Or do you have a different angle in mind?
Close, I guess. But I was thinking more about lounging on the couch as much as possible instead. That’s more my speed nowadays
I will say that the AI generated response is quite accurate
Are you continuing to expand your action figurine collection around your work area?
Senocular would never use that much text emphasis; something’s up.
Thank you for sharing.
I have been doing machine learning for almost 10 years now. It’s getting boring due to EU regulations and more strict regulations.
I miss working on highly interactive web sites. I sometimes don’t want to give up machine learning but hate the strict laws around it.
I’m a flash dev by heart
Have you tried Rive? It has strong Flash vibes!
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