Bed between 12-3 wake up between 7 and 11
I need to regulate my sleep more
Lately I’ve been trying to get more sleep. So I usually crawl into bed at 11:00, and probably finally fall asleep some where around 12:30 - 1:00 am. Then I am all bright eyed by 6:45 am. It works for me.
Sleep doesn’t mean much when you wake up only to find that your nightmares are still there.
Well, do some shrooms so you can play with your nightmares.
Usually sleeps at 12 am and wakes up at 4:00 am then go to work. During weekends, I sleep at 4am and rise at 10:am:D
sleep at 12am, wake up at 5:30 and get going… nahh…
one of our Instructor, he’s a weird, he can be awake for 20hours daily… his normal routine. I just remembered.