White Slavery & Reparations

i never said he wasn’t intelligent. i really don’t see how it could be too much… possibly you can explain the intellect behind that wonder. i just figure if you’re going to make a statement why not make it short? who wants to read 8 page documents on an opinion they have? if someone does they probably need something better to do eh

*Originally posted by jadedchron *
**yeah it’s a talk section and i figure if someone is going to be smart they should probably condense it into 2 sentences instead of 80 **

Let me get this straight… you are saying that smart people don’t need to be eloquent? Or are you saying that any intelligent person can sum up his thoughts in 2 lines? Or are you saying that any eloquent person is studpid?


He was merely stating his opinion and then backing it up. He was giving evidence on why he should not have to pay for reparations. Thats just the way David is. He is a very verbose individual. Check out some of our posts at the corpusT forums…

go here and scroll down a bit:


i’m saying KISS. keep it simple stupid. you don’t need to be “eloquent” to be smart. infact most people who write in depth lenghy essays are just talking out of their ass in the end. something learned in college.

Be careful being that judgemental.

One thing life will teach you which college can’t, is that stereotypes are not productive. Just because a person speaks in a different style than you is not a reason to assume he is not intelligent.

Funny, that is kinda back on topic=)


I see you learned a lot there. :stuck_out_tongue: Actually I’m just kidding. I’m not trying to be insulting. You were born in 82, so you’re either a sophmore or a junior right? Where exactly do you go to school? or did you graduate early? I go to Binghamton University. I’m currently in the process of getting my ass kicked by Calculus. There is just something about it that i can’t quite grasp.

When I write a paper, I don’t talk out of my ass. I write only what needs to be written and I don’t bs anything. If the professor does not like that then they can deduct points. I have not had a professor once take points off of my paper just because it was less than the required length, because they are still good papers and they get the point across. If I can explain something in 10 pages then why do I have to write 25? I understand your point. But maybe we feel that we need to type this much to completely convey our ideas…

actually ‘reverend’ it’s not being judgemental it’s a fact. is someone smarter because they can write more? or are they smarter because they can take what some goober said and condense it into something that doesn’t waste a readers time. ask any professor if he’d rather read a 10 page paper or a 2 page paper that were both typically right. i only have so much stuff to allocate into my memory and i don’t want something else to be pushed out by an 80 page paper.

First, I feel that anyone who begins to take personal attacks when none was given, is a person who has run out of intelligent arguments. No one here has used your handle in quotes, you became personal at that point.

Second, the world is not read by college professors. While they may be the most intelligent person you have met, a fair amount of college professors haven’t had a job in the private sector in years. I deal with clients in the real world, every day. They sometimes take a while to get their point across. Does this make them stupid? No, not at all. The real world is not a term paper.

Maybe if you spent a little more time composing your thoughts we wouldn’t need to have this conversation. Sorry you feel you don’t have the time, your 20’s should be the best times of your life… =)

Peace, I mean no harm,


well in any case you should’ve learned that what you feel is right isn’t always a fact… and a term paper is metaphorically speaking and coincides with the professor statements. finally it may not make them stupid but they’re obviously not as intelligent as someone who can get the point across quick.

thanks for the 20’s reference. i’m assuming you’re 30+. you should know it’s not always age that is the defining factor in intelligence. and i used ‘reverend’ to point out i was replying to your ignorance rather than jubbas

So what you are saying is that if people like to back up their opinions with facts and other views, but do it in a longer statement as to not leave anything out, that they are less intelligent then anyone who can sum up their beliefs in 2 sentences and leave out all the important things, but still get the point across?

BTW: I believe ‘reverend’ is an ordained reverend, so he is not being ignorant to the status.

i don’t believe i said that in my posts. however i must congratulate you on putting words in my mouth

finally it may not make them stupid but they’re obviously not as intelligent as someone who can get the point across quick.

I did not put any words in your mouth.

And if you were referring to my reverend phrase, that was an assumption of what you mean according to the context of which you used the word. I apologize if I misunderstood.

you took a statement of your own… threw in some parts i said and then added your own at the end… that’s what we call putting words in ones mouth

I noticed you only used quotes in the beginning of my handle, instead of ‘Rev’ as I sign all of my posts. Nice try, you were called on something, admit it like an intelligent person (you also attacked David in an earlier post, but he can defend himself).

I also noticed you still haven’t posted a substantial source for your statement, other than professors. Show me where it is written, if you submit a report for your job, you get more points for a smaller report. I don’t think your theory will hold water anywhere but the college campus.

I also said nothing demeaning about being in your 20’s. I just remember having more time to do fun things rather than argue a point such as this, during that period of my life.

My point, since you have seemed to gloss right over it, is that being verbose and being intelligent are not mutually exclusive.


I took a direct quote from you saying that people who need to take longer to make their point are less intelligent.

And I edited my last post if this argument was about the reverend thing.

2 for 1 sale on the moron pills i see. it’s common sense that a “smarter” person would write something short, concise, and to the point. reasoning? a smart person would know not to waste his time adding extra points here and there. secondly you seem stuck on metaphors. thirdly i’ve never heard someone get offended by calling them their full [nick]name. uhmm also putting people in place using facts is always fun… whether you’re 30 or 80. you can continue to battle on all you want. you can’t really defeat common sense tho :frowning:

david writes a 20 page paper about the Earth’s orbit
einstein writes a 10 page paper about the Earth’s orbit.

both are correct papers… and both prove the same points. hrmm gee i wonder who is a wee bit more intelligent.

Correct that it is quality over content, but if you can add more content to your paper without making it BS, why not add more? More information increases the quality of a paper am I right?

You can get a point across, or you can get a point across and back up your point with facts, views, and varying opinions.

Putting more thought into your point is more intelligent then blurting out your point in a few sentences and leaving it at that.

Common says sense that more information is better. It isn’t just the point, it is the information that backs up your point as well.




lol you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed

Sharper than you :-\

In my opinion… just as you telling me I am a moron and not the sharpest tool in the shed is your opinion.

Apparently if you must judge people and call them stupid to defend your point, that shows a lot…

I agree with Jubba. Subject strayed…

People + Enslaved = Bad

End of point, end of thread, end of discussion.