White Slavery & Reparations

yet again your opinion. which has little of interest to me. fact vs opinion hrmm. you must be one of those dudes who likes someone that says “Hi, how are you doing?” instead of someone who just says ‘sup’. it just blows my mind how ignorant some people are. sure the topic is strayed but that’s what the good ol talk section is for… talkin!

Well it is kind of hypocritical when you can say my opinion means very little to you, but you state your opinion by callin me a moron and such, and stating that “it’s common sense that a “smarter” person would write something short” (yes that is an opinion).

Yes, I am one of those dudes that say “Hi, How are you?” instead of “sup”. That is because I was raised to respect the people around me. And speaking in slang is considered disrespectful to many people. Last I checked “sup” isn’t even a real word :-\

well i guess you were raised to waste people’s time as well. it’s not only the fact that they are smarter it’s the fact that they are considerate to the audience/reader to not add misc. info. there’s a difference between backing up your theory and adding sub levels of content that are already sub levels themselves. in any account if sir david would keep on writing “verbose” posts it’d take a reader 30 minutes just to know where the post stands and people’s view points. and duly note that i’ve stated opinions w/facts as where you simply reply with statements that imply i wasn’t raised right.


Your use of a portion of my handle, and not the nickname I sign every post with, is a direct sign of disrespect, and judging by the short tone in your posts, I took offense. Imagine I started a post with “actually ‘Jade’” ? My appologies for being defensive.

*Originally posted by jadedchron *
**…"david writes a 20 page paper about the Earth’s orbit
einstein writes a 10 page paper about the Earth’s orbit.

both are correct papers… and both prove the same points. hrmm gee i wonder who is a wee bit more intelligent. "**

Okay, same example:

Einstein writes a 10 page paper about the Earth’s orbit. Hawking writes a 20 page paper about the same Earth’s orbit.

Who is more intelligent? Quantifying intelligence makes it subjective. How do you rate intelligence. Is the IQ test an accurate gauge? If so, which IQ test, and administered by whom?

One more time, in real world terms, show me just one example of someone moving up in a company because his reports are shorter and more to the point, and I will admit your point.

Your examples are extremes. College campus is a small part of society, and the Einstein analogy is an extreme value judgement. You don’t cite any fact that Einstien worked succinctly, you only cite that Einstein is more intelligent than David.


jadedchron, so why the hell are you in this forum, all you are doing is being an asshole to all the moderators. We can ban you if you like, you obviously didn’t come here to learn flash!

I apologize for the raising part. I admit that was an implication not purposely stated by me. I just simply wrote the statement wrong.

If you don’t feel like reading verbose posts, then don’t read them. No one is forcing you to.

Also, you backed up none of your opinions with facts. The one fact you have is that your college professor told you something.

I don’t like wasting peoples time, and I don’t like wasting my time…

To get my point across in as few words as possible (so I can be a genius too)…

This thread is over with. I will see you around.

I don’t like this ‘jadedchron’ very much, I don’t think you will have to worry about seeing him around. It seems the only reason he came here is to be inane and cause disturbance amongst the forum!

I have noticed almost all his posts were negative opinions on a subject.

Granted everyone is entitled to an opinion. Jadedchron tends to be harsh on how he expresses his opinions which causes arguments because it offends people.

Like if someone told me they didn’t like what I did, fine, I will live. If they tell me it sucks and I should never design again, I will take offense. This is a fake senario of course, but it gets the point across :slight_smile:

first off dan… let’s think about your post jr. i didn’t come here to learn flash… hrmm first this is a talk section on a forum. secondly i must’ve just stumbled upon this forum by some cosmic force. and if you take a moment before you start spamming your loose ideas you’ll note that this is probably the only post in a non-flash section.

next up to bat we have revvy rev rev with his thesaurus book out. someone who writes something that is shorter, concise, and still proves the main theory/topic NOT only is more intelligent for not wasting their own time on adding more words but they’re more considerate to the audience.

and finally lostinbeta i am not forced to read verbose posts… of course not. but you are not forced to reply to these posts or even care what i think. the only negativity that came out of it was someone taking offense and writing 400 words about it.

You are correct, I am not required to respond.

But I tend to fight for my beliefs, even if it drags out beyond belief. Even though I ended this thread, I felt the need to continue it when you personally attacked me calling me a moron and saying I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.

well true but some people just need a kick in teh face to see things the right way

So can I kick you in the face? :stuck_out_tongue: (just kidding…haha, but I couldn’t resist)

So, how hard do you want me to kick you?

[EDIT]: Grrr…lost, you posted first!

So what’s the ‘right way’ or should I say the ‘jadedchron way’?

i see you kinda changed the subject there ol danny. and 2 similar posts with the same results… welcome to 3rd grade :stuck_out_tongue: on any account my first post that spawned this was simply that it’d make more sense if you were african-american only in the fact that you’d be in their shoes and possibly see a different standpoint. tie me up and throw me in a jail cause i’ve committed a crime!

danny i wouldn’t start blabbin now…

“There is nothing
more frightful than ignorance in action.” -Johann von Goethe

*Originally posted by jadedchron *
**"someone who writes something that is shorter, concise, and still proves the main theory/topic NOT only is more intelligent for not wasting their own time on adding more words but they’re more considerate to the audience. " **

One more time… Show me the source of the basis of your “fact,” and I will admit I am wrong. Your entire statement is subjective, therefore not able to be proven.

BTW, way to pick your battles.


About the first post that started this…

I asked my African American friends and they said they disagreed with it too. So :-… Even though that is just them, they still count for something.

So I am at a 3rd grade level huh, I am giving you 5 minutes to change that or your banned. Have a nice day! If you haven’t noticed, I don’t take crap from skill lacking bastards like yourself!

good job revvy i’m glad you’re still talkin. beta i don’t disagree either. the germans should be payin the jews if that were the case.

well i’m sorry my life doesn’t revolve around the msgboard. and i don’t believe you have any basis of my skill jr. and yes cliche responses are at a 3rd grade level