White Slavery & Reparations

If that was the case I don’t know what I would do… german, american indian… would I have to pay, then get paid…??? LOL

You still have yet to prove what rev said.

And we just posted at the same time. It is coincidence. Not 3rd grade.

yeah no kidding beta. i’m sure they do have some valid points in their arguments as to why they should be paid tho. in my opinion they shouldn’t. although it does suck.

Skill level, how can you even be rated, I didn’t know they could even rate levels below zero?

Oh, by the way, good bye!

lol dan you’re the dumbest dude i’ve met on here so far…lol

Who is the dumb one now, or should I say banned one!

Opinion again…

Dan just doesn’t take well to offensive remarks made against him. Understandable.

you’re right banning me from learning flash on the forums… good way to prove your point son

Banning him actually felt good, I have a smile on my face after ridding this place of his pointless debates and criticism!

[EDIT]: Look like I have to do it again. I told you to take back your comment. This is our place to moderate and if you get on our bad side then that’s going to be your problem. Do you want one more chance. I always believe in second chances?

you’ve shown me the power you possess oh mighty dan…lol. i’ll continue reading the forum and replying with help. this is a talk section. so opinions are valid. something for you to chew on

Read my post again, do you want a second chance or do you want your IP banned? I just banned that user name, you can always get your old name back if you want, but until you stop being a criticism obsessed prick then it’s not going to happen!

Yes opinions are welcome…

Directly offensive remarks to any person is not tolerated though.

If you express an opinion, you should be prepared to argue it, because there is always someone with a varying opinion that is willing to challenge it.

Arguing it back does not involve insulting people.

what’s there to read? couldn’t read it anyway since you banned it remember? i can help alot of people on this board and i’ve already started to do so. you can continue to prove my point and ban my IP if you want due to the fact that you don’t like opinions. and being cool and editing my posts… why not just delete the ones that were made offensive? hmm

lostinbeta explained my point! So do you want a second chance or should I do the final banning. Truthfully, I don’t want to ban you over a stupid thing, but if you seem to be a persistant annoyance and don’t want a second chance then like I said, this can be done the hard way. You can have you old username unbanned if you agree…so what is your choice? I will delete this entire thread after you decide on what you want to do.

Guess not…:q:

i was busy. anyway i would recommend deleting this entire thread whether u unban me or not.

I said that you won’t be banned if you tell me you want a second chance, and yes this thread will be deleted within the hour! SO do you want your old username back, it seems that you want to stay at these forums. We may not get along, but I am one of 2 thousand members, others may not mind the criticism. I can forgive, but I won’t forget. So I better not see you battling me or the other moderators again!

I have to agree with many of the views here. I don’t think reparations is a logical step toward healing past wounds. If anything, reparations probably benefit those that go through life thinking others owe them for their own inadequacies as fulfilling members of society. I am Indian. My family was enslaved by the British a generation earlier. I am not going to ask for reparations or anything similar to that resort from the British.

Society was different in the early American history. EVERY race of people in this world dating back to early history has been oppressed by another group of people. I don’t think we need a billion lawsuits to represent the billions of races throughout history who were oppressed. I believe it is time for people to move on and quit wallowing in the past. Is it slavery that Today causes more than 50% of african-marriages to fail? Was it slavery that prevents African-Americans today from moving up the socioeconomic ladder that many have climbed through hard work and perseverance? It is time to move on with our lives and try to make the future better for everyone.

On another note, this forum is here for people to share ideas and post comments. There is absolutely no need to ridicule someone’s remarks or find faults with someone’s logic when one’s OWN logic is not proven or lacks any depth or content. I don’t tolerate personal attacks, and I wouldn’t mind banning whoever continues to take swipes at someone’s writing. Criticize the content, criticize the opinions presented; don’t criticize the style of writing or the length of the responses.

Kirupa :cowboy:

Well said by the beholder of it all!

On Thread:

How do I ask God for my “emmaculate reparation.”


I mean, he did force Adam & Eve out of the garden, right? The world’s first refuges… :stuck_out_tongue:


Kirupa: Well put. :slight_smile:

PJ: Well put. :slight_smile:

Jubba: Well put. :slight_smile:

Rev: Well put. :slight_smile:

Dan: That ‘Red Virus’ thing is too phat! :slight_smile:


Dave: Its not one pancake, its 47!

I need to stop eating so much crap…I’m getting fat…well not really, but tonight I ate a 12 in chicken parm sub, half of a large pizza, 15 wings, and 4 Zeppolies (fried dough). I’m going to need to run around the planet to work off all the crap that i ate tonight…oh well…time for bed…need to wake up early (6 am) to go to the gym…

Jubs :cool: