REV! the background of your site is not defined! Its coming up as a light blue for me, and it looks horrible! Just lettin you know…I think i told you this before…
Hey Jubba… I am curious… why did you scream when it came to my name? I am unsure about that.
Can’t I just write a letter to the Pope? =) At least then I can get a signed confirmation that He got the demand. Finding a lawyer to sue God is not a problem.
The only problem I see… is what do I ask for?
I know, underwear with those tiles from the space shuttle in just the right places…
Jubba: thanks for reminding me, I am so lazy about my own site…
it should be changed now…
At one time, Bill Simon (currently running for Rep. Gov. CA) said on the 700 Club that God told him to run for Governer… :x
Of course he denies this, but I have seen the video with my own eyes from a local news station.
Maybe I should just write him, since he seems to have the ear of God… =)
<i>note: I mean no disrepect to any religeon, I’m just blowing off a little of the “day before election day” adverts…</i>
Can someone please tell me why Jubba screamed when he mentioned my name in the list of replies to everyone?
I think its about your post count
I am going to try and celebrate at 4000 Since I have yet to celebrate anything about my post count.
I know how you feel… My spiritual side definitely does not meld with the Vatican… =) I like it that way…
I poke fun at organized religeon the same way I poke fun at organized crime… from a distance…
pass the gravy!
nuthin’ feels like luvin’ like a big warm bowl of gravy…
May I never be the one without it on Christmas…
— want me
Twice on the pipe---- if the answer is nooooooo.
Sorry , I couldn’t resist
lol, then what are the words :q:
I said ‘want me’
Is it because I continued with it and gave you more than 2 words :q: :-\
LOL, thanks
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Hey Jubba… I am curious… why did you scream when it came to my name? I am unsure about that. **
AHHHHHHHHHH!! I have no idea. Last night I was really active. For some reason I had far too much energy…and I just felt like typing that for your name…no real reason behind it…lol…just one of those things I do.
woah---- :ninja:
boy, I had completely failed to realize exactly how much text my post had created.
Originaly when I read this I wasn’t even going to bother with another posting, but I do so often change my mind about such things that it’s not any skin off my ass to reply to trolls at least every once in a while. Perhaps I’m wrong. . he’s certainly more entertaining than most, but not very much brighter, in my opinion.
To answer the question: why are dave’s posts so damn long?
It has been theorized that intelligent people write shorter posts, while less intelligent people write longer posts. I do not think that the logic holds water though for a number of reasons which I’ll hope to explain in as few a words as I think are necessary for my audience.
This is the crux of my arguement on this matter. ‘for the audience’. Now, I’ve been around a long time at Kirupa. At least as long as anyone else in this thread. I think that I have a pretty good idea of what it takes to converse with the average Kirupian. I’m not talking about any of our old timers here, and I’m not implying that anyone here is stupid and therefore needs more information in order to understand a subject. Anyone who does know me though, knows that I catter to the lowest possible denomonator. Not the lowest common denominator. It is so that everyone can understand what I’m saying, and hopefuly learn something from it.
It has been theorized that people who write long posts are typicaly regurgitating past material, and too much of it. And that this is typicaly a trait of college educated individuals. I tend to agree with that. Alas in my case I am not a college graduate, or attendie (hence my terrible spelling… you think I’d get through year one writing like this?) Likewise, I would say that this is only a general trend and obviously our friend has been hanging out with the wrong college goers. There are plenty of colleges which DO teach people something other than the ability to rehash something read, or heard somewhere else.
To bring a point across to an individual using very few words, but while still being convincing is indeed a great art, but ultimately we are not talking about an individual, we are talking about people from all over the world, with varying levels of understanding with regard to Engish specificaly, and the opinions of the average American to a degree.
My job is not to please anyone with my posts, and I do not have a problem with people who wish to simply skip over anything that I write. That’s your loss or gain, depending upon what you get out of reading this forum.
What jadedchron may have felt is very understandable. I know that there are a lot of people out there who A) have problems with my opinions, B) have problems with the manner in which I present them, and C) dislike me stating opinion as a fact.
A) don’t read them. Just skip over entirely. I have a right to my opinon, same as you.
B) As I’ve eplained above, I’m not cattering to you, but I am cattering to some.
and C) tough. Fact IS opinion that has not been disproven. (and that’s a subject for another thread)
The majority of the people here do not complain about my writing, so that’s who gets my love jaded one, I’m sorry that it seems like a waist of your time. Only an idiot would waist his own time reading a post that’s too long for him to handle. Furthermore, only a complete and utter moron would force the issue so that 40 posts get created which are unrelated to the topic at hand, namely reparations. That is the act of a troll… and so I dub the “jadedTroll”. Enjoy the honor.
I’ll end this by just pointing out one or two inconstencies, and to drag out my words just a little more. (cause if he reads this I want to bug him some more).
I was accused of writing a page and a half of material. I don’t know what other people set thier CP settings at, but I read 20 posts per page. That comes out to 3 pages total, and all of my posts are on page one. That would imply that jadedTroll has his setting at 20 LINES per page. Another indication of something, to be sure.
I was accused of putting a lot of substrands of opinion in the post when they were not necessary. I reread it a couple of times and I really don’t find that to be true. Lets take a look, because it’s relivant. (and it will make this post even longer… MUHAHAHAHAHA)
Here’s my post which is called ‘a page and a half of time’. (keep in mind, I’m not sure what measurement he’s using. A page and a half, or a temporal one… but hey, I’m game)
I personaly doubt that this would make any more sense if I were an african american, displaced greatgrandchild of a slave.
Here it should be obvious what I’m doing. It’s middle school english at best. State what your opinion is going to be.
I can say right now that I wont pay anything unless the bar is even across the board. ie, pay the indians for what we did to them, pay progeny of white slavery their due, etc. If you can create an even bar for all people, then I’ll pay into reparations, but until that time you’ll have to jail me if you want my cash.
Here I state why I have the opinion. Technicaly this should have been in the first paragraph, not one of it’s own. If anyone thinks that’s college based work, you’re sorely mistaken.
I hate this issue. It’s impossible to win as a white man. “We don’t understand”… bull****, we understand the situation very clearly. WE are not responsible for anything other than being born to a family, the proponants of reparations want innocent people to pay for something because they were born of that color, or blood. That’s ****ED UP. That is at least as ****ed up as slavery itself is, and it’s possibly more ****ed up because someone who is sensitive to the freedom issue, should know better than to biggot themselves against people strictly because of skin color.
This paragraph is actually pretty good. It is it’s own idea, and it starts with a sentence that explains what the point of this paragraph is, then I lead again into why I have that opinion.
What about my family? My mother’s parents were first gen imigrant poles, a people who have been brutalized for thousands of years by every culture that came stomping through their land, and one which never was known as being particularly pro slave. My father’s heritage comes directly from a large family of people who worked tirelessly throughout the slave years to free african americans from bondage, and ship them up north where they might gain some protection.
This in and of itself is a sub issue. But it’s point in this particular post should be obvious. It is taking the same logic which applies to an slave decendent and applies the same logic to the same situation with a white person. I will grant you that I could have left this entirely out. Phil’s point by making this post was to show the obsurdity of the reparations with exactly the same type of statement. Eh… you can’t win em all. Like I said, I’m not genius.
…but in the end I’m a white man, and there are many proponants of reparations who would say that I should pay them for damages my race caused to them… That’s seriously deluded.
No this issue would make no more sense to me if I were Black. Perhaps if I were black and an idiot it might make sense, but that really is the only way. If you find that I’ve just insulted you, tough… I’m allowed to be insulting to idiots.
Again, This really should have been one paragraph. As the concluding paragraph it does what it is supposed to. It recaps the opinion and in less words, the general arguement of the post. I probebly could have left out the last sentence. It’s meant entirely to tell people that I THINK YOU"RE AN IDIOT, if you agree with reparations. And I do, so I really don’t mind all that much that it’s there.
So you can see that I really only have one semi sub related subject, and that only takes up a couple of sentences. It is far from the portrayal of a huge megalith of time, or pages waisted, as our dear jadedTroll would have you believe.
Now this post on the other hand, is WAAAAAAYYYYYYY out of control.
In case anyone does wonder. A polite statement of desire for me to keep my posts limited in size is not likely to work, but it certainly wont get you banned. Politness is not required of people in life, but in small private forums like this one it may be required of any of us. I, am almost always polite. I expect only the same… for people to be ALMOST always polite. Do that and I will help you do anything with Flash.
PS- I have a real feeling that we just got a visit from our friend Maddox. I don’t know… maybe just parania… but a lot of people hit his sight from here. I’d say that it’s pretty likely that he has visited. I had already decided that Maddox would probebly hate me beyond reason if we ever talked. Maddox is very short and to the point, also he’s likely to take any opinion on the subject at hand. It’s impossible to tell exactly what he will say next.
It is sad though. I really enjoy the Jaded more than most of you humans. I myself am a very jaded person, I just tend to cover it up with a lot of hoopla, which people like our friend jadedTroll obviously doesn’t care for.
Hey jaded one, for what it’s worth, I wasn’t even elluding to the idea that you could not be insulting and funny at the same time. Nor was I saying that you could not be. I do agree with the banning though. AFTER that point you took some specific shots which even I, the woose Mod here might have banned you for. If it is you Maddox, keep up the good work on your page, and shut the **** up while in here. This is not your little pissing ground.
Well… even for a post where I’m trying to make a point by making it really really long, just to show how long long can really be… this is really really too long. I’ll shut up now.
lol… well this last post was FULL of everything that he complained about. Hopefuly it made my point. Anything can be writen at any length, and he was quite correct that perhaps for him, the post was too long. Sadly he forgot that I am not posting to him, but to others. And of their capacity, or desires, he is willfuly ignorant.
The lesson is clear. I could have been a lot more long winded and said even less in my post.
Peace brother dictator.
oh… “who’s Maddox”. A few weeks back Edwin posted a link to a site. The site was designed to allow a guy named Maddox to critique the world with his own particular flavor of nilism. As I said before, I really enjoyed his site. I don’t want him here on this site though. There is little place for someone who wishes to be that rude to everyone and everything, here in this social forum. <— maddox
Hilarious site…
But he is an asshole all around.
That doesn’t mean I can’t laugh at him though, what he says is hilarious in many ways.
absolutely. I had hoped that the point to his web site was the age old point. “If you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at.” He insulted more things that I enjoy than anything else I’ve read, and I enjoyed every minute of the insult.